Meet the world’s ultimate Apple superfan: Single father, 29, has more than 100 devices worth $36,000 – and even named his daughter after Steve Jobs’ child, Lisa

Pop stars and actors may be the first people that come to mind when you think of megafans.

But you might be surprised to know that one man has been crowned the world’s ultimate Apple superfan in an international competition held by SalesCell.

Software engineer David Freedman triumphed over 1,000 candidates with a collection of more than 100 devices in his Kansas home.

The 29-year-old’s impressive shrine is worth a whopping $36,000 (£29,035), and even includes a pair of glasses made by Steve Jobs’ former optician.

But David’s love for the tech giant doesn’t stop there; he even named his daughter after Lisa, the child of Apple’s co-founder.

David Freeman was crowned the ultimate Apple superfan in a global competition held by SellCell

“I am extremely proud and humbled to bring the title to Apple’s home country. A lifetime of being called an ‘Apple Sheep’ has finally paid off,” he said.

‘Apple is so much more than just a company to me. It is a community and an ecosystem that touches so many aspects of my life.

“Every time Tim Cook steps on stage to unveil a new product, it feels like Christmas morning.”

David’s passion for Apple started when he was just a teenager when he wrote letters to Steve Jobs.

“I was inspired by the story of when Steve Jobs was in high school and Bill Hewlett called asking for spare electronic parts,” he said.

‘He not only got the parts, but also an internship at Hewlett-Packard. I hoped I would have a similar opportunity.

‘Unfortunately, the answers from Steve’s PA were lost over a decade ago. But in a way I still have a few pieces of him.”

Today, every room in David’s house is painted in each of the six colors of one of Apple’s very first logos.

Every door, fan, lock, camera and TV is also controlled by Apple’s HomeKit technology, while Siri is used to open the garage and control the heating.

David has won over 1,000 applicants with a collection of over 100 devices in his Kansas home

David has won over 1,000 applicants with a collection of over 100 devices in his Kansas home

David takes a

David takes a “religious vacation” from work whenever Apple makes an announcement or hosts its annual September event

David even takes a “religious holiday” from work when Apple makes an announcement or hosts its annual September event.

“My house matches the six-color Apple logo that highlighted the graphics capabilities of the Apple II in 1977,” he continued.

“I received a lot of concerned responses from friends and family about how I would hurt the resale value or how horrible it would turn out.

“But I didn’t let that stop me from having a home that I was happy with.”

While David is proud to have earned the title of Apple superfan, he admits it’s hard to find a partner who shares his passion.

‘I have a seven-year-old daughter named Elizabeth (or Lisa for short) – the name of Steve Jobs’ daughter and the name of the first computer Apple released with a graphical user interface.

Today, every room in David's house is painted in each of the six colors of one of Apple's very first logos

Today, every room in David’s house is painted in each of the six colors of one of Apple’s very first logos

Every door, fan, lock, camera and TV is also controlled by Apple's HomeKitt technology, while Siri is used to open the garage and control the heating

Every door, fan, lock, camera and TV is also controlled by Apple’s HomeKitt technology, while Siri is used to open the garage and control the heating

“But I’m single right now. It’s hard to find a partner that’s okay with coming second to Apple.”

David was awarded a new Series 9 watch after scoring all the answers correctly in the fastest time as part of an Apple-themed competition.

He added: “You would think that someone who already owns over 100 different Apple products couldn’t possibly be excited to buy another one, but I always am.

‘Not only as something practical that I will use, but also because of what it symbolizes.

“It will be an honor to wear it and I will definitely brag about it to everyone I can hear.”