Marilyn Manson investigators are reviewing slew of new evidence in sex abuse, rape and torture probe

Evan Rachel Wood

Westworld star Wood, now 33, was engaged to Manson for eight months in 2010.

The couple made their relationship public in 2007. She was twenty at the time.

She has spoken out about abuse in the past and testified before Congress about rape in 2018 as part of a campaign to change domestic violence laws. She did not name her abuser at the time.

In her statement on Monday, she wrote: “My abuser’s name is Brian Warner, also known to the world as Marilyn Manson. He started grooming me when I was a teenager and abused me horribly for years.

“I was brainwashed and manipulated into submission. I’m done living in fear of retaliation, slander or blackmail. I am here to expose this dangerous man and call out the many industries that enabled him before he ruins any more lives.

‘I stand with the many victims who will no longer remain silent.’

Ashley Walters

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The Los Angeles photographer said Manson contacted her via social media asking to collaborate, and the pair subsequently met.

She started working as the rocker’s personal assistant and the pair became close, but then he started becoming violent, she says.

Walters claims he threw plates at her and even offered her up for sexual relations with employees.

In her statement on Monday, she said: “I continue to suffer from PTSD and struggle with depression. I stayed in touch with quite a few people who, under his control, were going through their own traumas.

“As we all struggled, like survivors, to move on with our lives, I kept hearing stories that were disturbingly similar to our own experiences. It became clear the abuse he caused; he continues to do this to so many and I can’t stand by and let this happen to others. Brian Warner must be held accountable.”

Sarah McNeilly

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Los Angeles-based model Sarah McNeilly said Manson “lured her in” by acting loving but then turned violent.

She claims he threw her against a wall, threatened to smash her face in with a baseball bat, locked her in a room when she was “naughty” and verbally abused her for “hours.”

She said in her statement: ‘I have been afraid to put myself in the spotlight to avoid being in his crosshairs again.

‘As a result of the way he treated me, I suffer from mental health issues and PTSD which have affected my personal and professional relationships, self-esteem and personal goals.

‘I believe he is out to ruin people’s lives. I stand in support of all who have and all who will come forward. I want Brian to be held accountable for his evil.”

Ashley Lindsay Morgan

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The model was working in Thailand in 2009 when she met Manson through a mutual friend.

They started months of talking and texting and he flew her to Los Angeles.

She did not specify how long they spent together, but alleged he was abusive and said he also asked her to bring him Nazi memorabilia from Asia, even though she is Jewish.

She says she was also “not allowed to eat or sleep or leave his house.”

Morgan said: “I have night terrors, PTSD, anxiety and most importantly crippling OCD.

‘I’m constantly trying to wash to get it off or off me. … I’m coming forward so he will finally stop.”


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Gabriella, an artist, said she met Manson in 2015 when she was 22 and he was 46 backstage at one of his shows.

Like the other alleged victims, she said the rocker was loving before he became violent.

One of her claims is that he forced her to take drugs and that they had a blood pact.

She said: ‘It took me five years to speak out and say I was in an abusive relationship. I have been diagnosed with PTSD and still suffer from nightmares.

‘I’ve blocked out a lot of memories, but the feelings persist and manifest in different ways. The reason I am finally sharing this traumatic experience is for my healing and because I am done being silent.

“I don’t believe it’s fair for someone not to be held accountable for their heinous actions. I am not a victim. I’m a survivor.’