Many companies are still reluctant to spend large amounts of money on AI

Despite the ongoing hype surrounding artificial intelligence (AI), new research shows that top executives are cautious about integrating the technology into some organizations.

A report from WordPress VIP shows that there is still a lot of hesitation about integrating AI into budgets.

The firm noted that three in five (60%) C-level executives have not yet committed specific funding to AI, though three-quarters expect to do so in the next year.

AI spending could be even bigger

The reluctance to commit big budgets to AI highlights the uncertainty in the C-suite about whether the technology is ready to revolutionize businesses. While many executives recognize AI’s potential, particularly when it comes to SEO, data analytics and content recommendations, a significant number remain uncertain about using AI for content generation.

In addition to insecure attitudes, many companies lack the right foundations. Only a third (30%) of executives said their organization had a data-driven content strategy, while half said it was not data-driven at all.

Previous concerns that AI could replace human workers continue to be debunked by WordPress VIP’s report, which found that only half (52%) believe AI could effectively supplement human work, let alone be a viable replacement.

Looking ahead, the report states that AI is still in the early stages of adoption and the technology will likely focus more on supporting tools such as SEO optimization, data analysis and content recommendations than on pure content generation.

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