I found a strange object in my hotel bed and was sent into an instant panic when I realised what it was: ‘New fear unlocked’

A traveler who only jumped into his hotel bed and felt a sudden ‘sting’ sensation panicked after realizing what it was.

When he looked down to investigate, he saw a bizarre object embedded in the mattress. He later discovered it was a disposable needle cap for an insulin pen.

The man turned to Reddit for answers, posting a photo of the cap with a brief explanation.

‘What is this? The metal end stuck through the sheet of a hotel I am staying at and scratched me,” the traveler wrote.

Many were quick to identify what it was and encouraged him to get tested as soon as possible. The needle was dented after being placed on it, but it is unclear if it was used or not.

‘I’m doing well. My in-laws and sister are doctors, so I have also been in contact with them about this,” the man said later.

The disturbing post “sparked a new fear” among hundreds who previously only suffered from bed bugs in their hotel bed concerns.

Many encouraged him to go to the hospital and see a doctor, which he did.

A traveler who jumped into his hotel bed and felt only a sudden ‘sting’ sensation panicked when he realized what it was: a needle cap for a disposable insulin pen

Others were quick to point out what it was and encouraged him to get tested as soon as possible. The needle was dented after being placed on it, but it is unclear whether the needle was used or not (stock image)

Others were quick to point out what it was and encouraged him to get tested as soon as possible. The needle was dented after being placed on it, but it is unclear whether the needle was used or not (stock image)

“Go to the emergency room or call a 24/7 primary care provider. PeP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis) drugs that prevent HIV and other viral infections should be taken within a very short time frame,” one person warned.

‘You will urgently need to run to the nearest hospital as quickly as possible. Go to the emergency room. Take that item with you, but pack it securely. You’re probably fine, but there’s a slim chance you injected something awful into your body, so please do that,” wrote another.

Others shared their own horror stories about needles in unsafe places.

“Well, because we’re unlocking new fears. My mother worked in a movie theater where a man hid syringe needles in the seat cushions. You sat on the chair with the needle completely invisible in the fabric. As soon as you sat down the seat compressed so much it stung you,” one person wrote.

“I’m afraid of needles and this whole thread is full of reasons to never sit, stand or sleep anywhere,” someone else added.

‘I’m not necessarily afraid of needles. I’m especially afraid of contaminated needles,” wrote another.

The disposable cap is used to gently place on a needle for patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes (stock image)

The disposable cap is used to gently place on a needle for patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes (stock image)

What to do if you are pricked by a used needle:

The area should be washed immediately with soap and water.

The incident must be reported and an exposure report completed.

Exposure should be assessed (type of fluid, type of needle, amount of blood on the needle, etc.).

The source of exposure should be evaluated:

a) HIV, HBV and HCV status of the patient;

b) Consent and testing of the patient for these diseases if the status is unknown;

c) Probability of infection based on the community served by the hospital if the patient is not available for testing.

Source: AMA Journal of Ethics

The disposable cap is used to gently place on a needle in patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

If a used needle punctures your skin, it is essential to seek immediate medical attention as it can cause HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, HPV, genital warts and other dangerous infections.

The area should be washed immediately with soap and water and then assessed by a doctor.