Man’s pet rabbits survive huge fire that engulfed Shalvey home in western Sydney

How a brave Aussie fought through the flames to save his beloved rabbits – despite a massive fire that destroyed his home

  • Owner relieved after rabbits were rescued
  • His house went up in flames
  • His ‘babies’ survived the huge fire

A man whose home was engulfed in a massive fire has held back tears of relief after his precious rabbits survived the blaze.

Bradley Walker’s house in Shalvey in western Sydney went up in flames on Friday night while his rabbits were still inside.

The devastated pet owner pushed past emergency responders to try to get into the house and save his precious pets.

While Mr. Walker worked to free the rabbits that were outside, firefighters rushed in to rescue the rabbits still stranded inside the house.

“I told them ‘I don’t care I just want my babies’ this is all I care about is my babies,” an emotional Mr Walker shared 9 News.

Bradley Walker (pictured) is relieved after his rabbits were rescued from a fire at his home

However, some of the rabbits managed to flee the property and escaped up the road before neighbors rushed in to retrieve them and take them to safety.

Neighbors took the other rabbits out of their cages and put them in boxes far from the fire.

They are my babies, I love them, they bring me peace. We haven’t lost one,” said Walker.

“It was a rough night, I still haven’t slept.”

The house in Shalvey in western Sydney burst into flames while Bradley's rabbits were inside

The house in Shalvey in western Sydney burst into flames while Bradley’s rabbits were inside

It is believed that the fire was fueled by some rubbish that was burned in Mr. Walker’s backyard at the time.

While quick-thinking firefighters managed to save the rabbits and most of the house, the living room was badly damaged while the back shed was destroyed.

Mr Walker is just thankful that his beloved rabbits survived.

1684002676 44 Mans pet rabbits survive huge fire that engulfed Shalvey home

“They’re my babies, I love them,” Mr Walker said, adding that he hadn’t slept all night because of the rescue