Man killed after hit by cyclist in Chippendale, Sydney


Walker dies after being struck by a cyclist on one of Sydney’s busiest streets

  • The man was struck in Chippendale on Wednesday afternoon
  • He suffered serious head injuries and died at the hospital.

An elderly man has died after being struck by a cyclist in Sydney’s city centre.

The 70-year-old man was struck by the bike while walking down Regent Street in Chippendale on Wednesday around 2:10 p.m.

He was rushed to hospital with severe head injuries and placed in an induced coma, but could not be saved.

The cyclist, believed to be a man in his 40s, was uninjured in the collision.

The 70-year-old man was struck by the bike while walking down Regent Street in Chippendale on Wednesday around 2:10 p.m.

NSW Ambulance Inspector Mick Corlis said the elderly man had hit his head on the pavement.

“Paramedics and an aeromedical team placed the man in an induced coma at the scene before taking him to hospital,” it said.

The police are investigating the collision and a report will be prepared for the coroner.

The collision occurred on a section of Regent Street that has a bike lane.

“This incident is a reminder for bicyclists and pedestrians to remain vigilant and aware of their surroundings,” Inspector Corlis said.

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