Man sparks social media debate after he told his girlfriend that he would break up with her if she didn’t shave

  • A Reddit user, 25, shared in a February 27 post that he gave his girlfriend, 23, an ultimatum
  • The couple had been dating for almost two years with no previous issues
  • He had already told her that he did not find long leg and armpit hair attractive

A man who found himself in a hairy situation asked Reddit users if he was a ****** for telling his girlfriend of almost two years that he would dump her if she didn’t shave.

The not-so-supportive boyfriend, 25, created the Reddit post yesterday, writing that he told his girlfriend, 23, early in their relationship that he didn’t find body hair on women attractive.

“What I mean by body hair, I’m only talking about the armpits and legs,” he wrote.

“I told her I don’t mind stubble or a little bit of growth, but full puffy long leg and armpit hair that I don’t find attractive at all.”

His girlfriend, who previously didn’t like the feeling of body hair on her, initially had no problem with his preference.

A 25-year-old man told his girlfriend (23) that he would break up with her if she didn’t shave her body hair

He admitted in his February 27 Reddit post that he had been telling his girlfriend for almost two years that he didn’t find her attractive in women

His girlfriend initially had no problem with his preference and even told him she didn’t like the feeling of the hair on her skin

The 23-year-old started growing body hair after being inspired by a TikTok video about body positivity.

“Her armpits and legs almost look like mine now,” the original post (OP) revealed.

When he asked why she grew her hair, she said the video she watched “gave her more confidence.”

He wrote that he eventually told his girlfriend that he didn’t like her armpit and leg hair, which infuriated her.

“She didn’t like that and said she didn’t want me to be ‘one of those guys,’” he wrote.

“I told her if she doesn’t shave I’m going to break up with her because it doesn’t make me find her attractive.”

The couple couldn’t resolve the issue, and after the OP looked at his post responses, he decided to call it quits.

The couple argued about her long leg and armpit hair and the original poster (OP) eventually ended their relationship

“She didn’t take it lightly, decided to insult me ​​and threatened to destroy my stuff,” he wrote.

“She finally left after a while to go stay with her mother.”

The newly single man admitted in his post that he “deserved the insults” after giving her the ultimatum.

He has since formed different opinions on the subject of body hair, but ultimately decided that the breakup was “a good thing” for both of them.

Other Reddit users commented on the post and some users stated that he is the ****** in this matter.

Their relationship did not end on good terms and the 23-year-old is currently staying with her mother

Social media users have debated the topic of who was in the wrong and that the OP technically had the power to break up with whoever he wanted

Some members of the social media platform who wrote “YTA” (you’re the asshole) called him names and one even said he was “growing up some more.”

“You can’t dictate how others care for their body hair and using ‘I’ll break up with you’ to emotionally manipulate her into doing something you want is a big step,” one person wrote.

Other Reddit users who wrote that he was “NTA” (not the asshole) explained that he has the right to break up with whoever he wants.

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