Mama, just killed a man… Bohemian Rhapsody star Lucy Boynton shoots lover dead in Ruth Ellis drama about last woman to be sent to the gallows

Brandishing a .38 caliber Smith & Wesson revolver, actress Lucy Boynton recreates one of the most iconic crime scenes in British history as she stars as the last woman sent to the gallows.

In exclusive footage from upcoming ITV drama Ruth, the Bohemian Rhapsody star is captured playing former nude model and guiding Ruth Ellis as she kills her lover, racing driver David Blakely, played by actor Laurie Davidson.

Producers of the drama decided to return to the exact spot where Ellis murdered her boyfriend on April 10, 1955 to film the scene.

These photos of Boynton and Davidson were taken outside the Magdala pub in north London, where Ellis fired five shots at Blakely, with one bullet ricocheting off the pavement and wounding a passerby.

With her bleached hair and red lipstick, the actress is seen walking towards Blakeley before firing the gun at close range.

Actress Lucy Boynton (pictured) was seen recreating one of the most iconic crime scenes in British history

The Bohemian Rhapsody star is captured playing former nude model and escort Ruth Ellis

In the scene, Boyton’s character kills driver David Blakely, played by actor Laurie Davidson (pictured, center)

Ruth Ellis (pictured, right) was convicted of murder at the Old Bailey and hanged at Holloway Prison in July 1955

Visitors to the Magdala can today see bullet holes in the pub’s wall, although locals say these were created as a stunt in the 1990s by partygoers using a power drill after a drunken lock-in.

As The Mail on Sunday revealed last month, Boynton, who appeared as Freddie Mercury’s former fiancée in the Queen biopic Bohemian Rhapsody, will portray Ellis as a victim of physical abuse in the four-part television drama.

Call The Midwife and Baptiste screenwriter Kelly Jones, who wrote the script for Ruth, is said to have focused on Ellis and Blakely’s stormy relationship. Ellis suffered a miscarriage after her lover, who was engaged to another woman, punched her in the stomach during a relationship. queue.

Ellis is said to have commented: ‘Do you want to call the police, Clive?’ to a friend of Blakely’s after she fired the shots that killed her loved one, then told the police officer who arrested her, “I’m guilty, I’m a little confused.”

She was convicted of murder at the Old Bailey and hanged at Holloway Prison in July 1955.

Her execution is believed to have led to the abolition of the death penalty in Britain.

“Ruth Ellis’ story is fascinating,” Boynton said after getting the part. ‘I look forward to bringing a new perspective to both familiar audiences and those unaware of her mark on British history.’

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