Making the Most of California Addiction Treatment: 3 Tips for Successful Transitions

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California is well-known for its gorgeous scenery, celebrity-spotting hotspots, and various entertainment options that attract people from all over the world. But hiding in the background of all those attractions is the fact that the Golden State is also home to millions of addicts and recovering addicts.

This statistic doesn’t go ignored by the state’s government. In fact, one of the programs recently passed pays people who were once addicts to stay sober. 

If you’ve recently been through substance abuse treatment and are ready to transition into your new life, you’re in the right state. California has various groups and programs designed to make this period successful and help you stay clean.

Still, we understand that the bulk of the journey is yours alone, and each day comes with its own set of challenges. We want you to transition out of the old you and into your best life yet, so we’ve put together these three tips to help you make that happen!

1. It’s All About You

Society can often accuse people who focus on themselves of being selfish and uncaring. But right now, this period is all about you. You need to heal, figure out who you are again and who you want to be, and put your energy towards staying clean.

This doesn’t mean that you should avoid healthy relationships and ignore your loved ones. Having close interactions with people who help build your confidence and encourage and support you is vital to your ongoing recovery. 

However, you must choose who you allow into your life carefully. Avoid anyone who would be a negative influence and set your recovery back. 

Let them know that you’re in a sensitive time of your life right now, and you need to prioritize your peace and health. If they want what’s best for you, they’ll understand, and if they aren’t in your corner, you don’t need them around anyway.

If you struggle with balancing your mental health and boundaries, reach out to the many groups in your area created to advocate for recovery, like Studio 64 Recovery. You’ll meet people who understand what you’re going through and want you to have a successful long-term transition.

2. Plan Ahead for Challenges

It’s part of human nature that when things are going well, it’s easy to be happy. But when challenges hit, we tend to look for ways to drown our problems in outside sources. 

The key is to recognize that we’re all going to face problems. It’s not because you’re a recovering addict. It’s not because you did things you’re not proud of in the past. It’s because it’s a part of life for everyone. Recognize that you’ll have obstacles, and have a plan to handle them so that you aren’t tempted to run back to the substances you were addicted to.

Let’s look at some of the challenges you’ll face so you can prepare before you’re there:

  • Basic needs, including shelter, food, and clothing: California has Sober Living groups to assist you in meeting these needs. 
  • Your mindset: We all struggle to get through transitions in our lives, especially when we’re overwhelmed. Your brain may still think that you miss those substances or that life was easier as an addict. Have someone you can turn to when you start thinking these dangerous thoughts.
  • Stigmas: When you talk to people about your past, they may turn away from you, causing you to feel rejected. What will you do when this happens? Peer groups with those who accept you for who you are can help.
  • Cravings: Understand that your brain craves the dopamine hit it received when you were on drugs or alcohol. This likely won’t go away. Find other ways to give your body that hormone release in healthier ways.

Forewarned is forearmed. By recognizing the challenges you’ll face and acknowledging their potential impact on your recovery, you can have a pre-established method to prevent a backslide.

3. Be Willing to Accept Help

When it comes to accepting help, there are often two types of extreme thinking: I deserve it all; give it to me, and I’m weak if I ask for or accept any help.

The healthy version of help is solidly in the middle. You do deserve help, and there is a lot of it out there for recovering addicts looking to better their lives! It doesn’t make you weak. On the contrary, asking for help while still trying to move forward takes a strong person.

You have many advocates around you ready to step in and help you as you rebuild your life. But unless you ask for it, they won’t know you need it and are ready to accept a helping hand.


Transitioning from a treatment center or other substance recovery program into clean living is an exciting and special time in your life. You’ve taken control away from the drugs and alcohol and regained it for yourself! 

This is a huge accomplishment; you want to keep that control forever. These three tips can help you get through this challenging transition period and establish your best life.