MailOnline nips into the seedy underground world of mothers auctioning off their BREAST MILK


Enterprising British women are benefiting from a new source of income during the cost of living crisis: selling their breast milk to men online.

Dozens of pregnant women and new mums advertise so-called “liquid gold” online for up to £76 a pint. Some even accept cryptocurrency as payment.

MailOnline discovered some women advertising themselves as ‘young blondes’ capable of providing shoppers with ‘fresh mum’s milk’, with some profiles even showing photos of their babies.

A woman who sold her breast milk online told this website that she was inundated with requests from men who wanted her to be a wet nurse, a fetish where men drink breast milk directly from a lactating woman.

Other men look for a supply in their quest to build more muscle.

A selection of UK mums or mums-to-be selling their breast milk online and inviting men to order.

While breast milk is perfectly safe between mother and child, it is not recommended to drink as an adult.

This is because the liquid could be handled or stored incorrectly, and could even transmit diseases such as STIs.

Official NHS milk banks, where women can donate their excess supplies to mothers struggling to produce enough for their children, or for babies whose mothers have died, have been around for years.

But online marketplaces, like Only the Breast, have now provided a way for men to secure breast milk.

Robyn, from Glossop in Derbyshire, advertised her ‘good quality milk’ for around £28 a pint along with a picture of her bust on the website.

The new mum, who worked in communications before giving birth, told MailOnline that although she had seen a lot of interest from male shoppers, they wanted more than she was willing to offer.

“I was happy to sell my breast milk to men,” she said. As long as they didn’t want to have it straight from the supply.

“I had a lot of men say they wanted milk for ‘health reasons.

“But when the time came, they wanted pictures of my breasts to go along with it.

With some I would talk for a while. But before any money [was] transferred, they asked me for a nurse, so I withdrew from the sale.’

Robyn said she now mainly sells to a private milk bank to essentially avoid “flushing it down the drain”.

The new mom wasn’t the only one willing to sell her breast milk to men.

Harriet, from Westbury in Wiltshire, who sells her supply for £32 a pint, wrote: “Healthy, fit blonde girl selling my breast milk.”

She described herself as ‘only 21 years old’, ‘disease and alcohol free’ and ‘willing to sell to men too’.

Shie999 in South Wales described herself as a ‘blonde young mum’ who was ‘happy to sell out to men’.

She posted a photo of herself and a fridge overflowing with breast milk, which she sells for £38 each.

But their prices were dwarfed by Sam, a ‘second-time British-born Chinese mum’, also from South Wales, who was selling her milk at £57 a pint to ‘people wanting to buy for alternative use/men ‘.

Stacey, from Birmingham, went so far as to announce to the men that her milk, with prices available only on request, was free of covid vaccines.

Good for the baby, and the bank account?  British women are selling their breast milk for up to £76 a pint online and are even accepting Bitcoin.  Some new and expecting moms are also selling so-called 'liquid gold' to adult men for 'alternative use' (File Image)

Good for the baby, and the bank account? British women are selling their breast milk for up to £76 a pint online and are even accepting Bitcoin. Some new and expecting moms are also selling so-called ‘liquid gold’ to adult men for ‘alternative use’ (File Image)

These online breast milk markets also feature advertisements from British men looking to secure a supply.

One, from a user named ‘FoxMuscles’, assured women that he was just looking for a fresh supply for health and fitness purposes.

“I’m looking for a supply of fresh milk in the London area, but I can travel if you’re around regularly to stay fit and healthy, keeping all sales professional and respectable,” he said.

Other advertisements for men seen by MailOnline also claimed to be seeking milk for similar health and fitness reasons.

Breast milk has earned a reputation online as a bodybuilding superfood, under the controversial logic that if it helps babies gain body mass quickly, then the same should be true for people.

Others have even said that it has helped them stay cancer-free, a health claim with little evidence.

However, experts have dismissed the idea that breast milk is a superfood for athletes.

Breast milk is low in protein, high in fat, and contains high amounts of lactose that many people cannot digest, making it a poor bodybuilding supplement.

One expert even said that “there is nothing specific that makes adults gain muscle.”

The cancer claims are based on some preliminary studies that suggest that a type of protein in breast milk may kill some cancer cells.

Breast milk is 88 percent water, but the remaining 12 percent provides everything a baby needs to grow, such as carbohydrates, fats, protein, and minerals.

While perfect for babies, consumption by adults can be risky, especially when purchased from strangers.

Breast milk sent over the internet may have been mixed with other substances or stored improperly, making it a health hazard.

They can even transmit infectious diseases like hepatitis B, HIV, and syphilis.

Experts say that there is generally no danger in drinking breast milk as long as it is disease/drug free and has been pasteurized and stored properly.

NHS milk banks that accept donations from mothers and mothers-to-be have women undergo health tests to ensure they do not have any of these diseases and inadvertently pass them on to babies.

The same goes for prescription drugs and medicines, some of which can pass into breast milk.

NHS milk banks also pasteurize the liquid, heating it to kill any bacteria and testing it to make sure it’s safe for babies to drink.

None of these guarantees can be guaranteed by persons who sell the product online.