MAFS relationships expert reveals three tips all couples should know to save their sex lives

Married At First Sight Charlene Douglas, the British ‘sexpert’ and love queen, has revealed her top tips to save your sex life – one of which every couple should know.

She has teamed up with luxury lingerie and sex toy brand Ann Summers to advise Brits on how to make their relationships thrive.

Charlene has been a sex and relationship expert for eleven years. She explains that one of the most common misconceptions is that if you love your partner, a relationship doesn’t have to be an effort:

‘In order to flourish in our work, we follow training courses, learn from colleagues and receive guidance from our managers.

“How can we expect our relationships to grow and continue to fulfill us if we don’t make the effort to improve them?” – read on for her top three tips.

Charlene Douglas, Married at First Sight, the British ‘sexpert’ and love queen, has revealed her top tips to save your sex life – one of which every couple should know

1. Introduce sex toys to open conversations about pleasure

The expert claims that investing in toys can ‘save your sex life’, and that couples should make time to discuss the bad aspects of their relationship.

Not only do they bring pleasure, they open up conversations about sex and what turns you on.

Charlene says, ‘For a relationship to thrive and not just survive, it’s important to add something new on a regular basis.

‘The same routine every day can become stale and boring. Toys add a little spice to your sex life and create different sensations in your body that can improve your sexual experience and make your sex life more exciting.

She advised you and your partner to choose toys together and even gave her recommendation: ‘My favorite toy has to be the Power Bullet set as it is a great way for people with vulvas to explore different sensations using the different textured heads.

‘Partner A can then caress other parts of Partner B’s body while the toy is being used.’

Expert claims investing in toys can 'save your sex life', and couples should make time to discuss the bad aspects of their relationship

Expert claims investing in toys can ‘save your sex life’, and couples should make time to discuss the bad aspects of their relationship

2. Maintain a healthy sex life through communication and emotional intimacy

Charlene’s second piece of advice is that communication is the key to a healthy sex life.

According to Ann Summers, recent research shows that only 55% of women and 43% of men report being sexually satisfied in relationships longer than three years.

The MAFS expert advises to “arrange a convenient time when there are no distractions to have a conversation about your sex life.”

She explained: ‘Think about what turns you on and what turns you off and share this with each other. First, try to build emotional intimacy by organizing fun date nights.

‘In the bedroom you can explore each other’s bodies through massage and try different ways to experience pleasure. For example with sex toys or audio erotica’.

Charlene's second piece of advice is that communication is the key to a healthy sex life

Charlene’s second piece of advice is that communication is the key to a healthy sex life

3. Compromise is a must for compatibility

Finally, you will have difficulty finding someone with whom you agree on everything, so you need to be able to compromise and deal with your disagreement

Charlene explains that from her experience guiding new couples in MAFS, compromise is the most important thing:

“It’s important that couples have the same commitment to learning how to be a better lover and partner every day. The willingness to grow and make compromises is essential.’

She added that resolving conflict in a healthy way is also extremely important, which means: “No long silences or aggression, but instead learning how to apologize when a response to a partner was irrational or unreasonable, and be able to agree on a time to resolve conflicts’. in a peaceful environment.’

The advice comes after news that the men’s sex toy market is expected to reach nearly $40 billion within a decade.

The idea that intimate pleasure is inherent to long-term good health has spawned a slew of online articles, products, and even entire stores in recent years.

Now, an upcoming line of products will be aimed at men. While male sex toys are not uncommon in the LGBTQ community, these types of items are not often targeted at heterosexual men.

According to market research firm Future Market Insights, the male sex toy market is expected to double from its current value to approximately $39.39 billion over the next decade.

The most popular products range from the relatively tame vibrating rings to the more adventurous prostate ticklers and even mechanical masturbators.