Madeleine West tells how she secretly taped a paedophile as she confronted him 40 years after he abused her and six other kids in a country town

Neighbors star Madeleine West has revealed how she confronted and secretly recorded the pedophile who sexually abused her and six other children 40 years earlier.

The Underbelly and House Husbands actress was called in by detectives to record a conversation with Peter Vincent White, her child molester in 1980s country Victoria.

In an interview that aired this Sunday, White told 60 Minutes how White’s “face fell” when she walked in to look at him, now in his 70s.

β€œI knew he had been waiting for this day,” she said.

Nevertheless, as per the recording, which was publicly aired for the first time, White told West he had no memory of his crimes.

“I don’t understand,” he said. ‘I don’t know exactly what you’re asking me.

‘I’m so sorry. I don’t remember doing anything like that. I’m sorry, please, please forgive me.

β€œIf – if I did that, I – I don’t remember. I’m very sorry if I did that… it’s gone from my mind.’

TV star Madeleine West was secretly linked to confront her child abuser. The tape led to his conviction as a sexually abusive pedophile who stalked children in a rural town in Victoria

City plumber Peter White – who lured children with lollipops and games and then harassed them – has now been jailed for his crimes 40 years ago

City plumber Peter White – who lured children with lollipops and games and then harassed them – has now been jailed for his crimes 40 years ago

On this street in Woodend, Victoria, White abused children in his marital home, while his own children and his deaf wife slept in adjoining rooms.

On this street in Woodend, Victoria, White abused children in his marital home, while his own children and his deaf wife slept in adjoining rooms.

In the 60 minutes In this episode, West will say that she worked with police to trap White after the abuse left her in “the deepest, darkest hole I’ve ever been in in my life.”

“I just needed justice to be served…” it all comes back to you. You want forgiveness.”

West is one of two female victims of Vincent who confronted White in 2022 after reporting the incident to police.

The talented artist, whose child name was Melanie Ann Weston, was abused by White between the ages of five and 10 when her family were the perpetrator’s unsuspecting neighbors.

Between 1977 and 1988, while working as a plumber and wood-burning stove installer in Woodend, 70km northwest of Melbourne, White abused the children in bizarre and cruel ways.

He encouraged his victims to play and then perform humiliating sex acts, and forced them to use toys and balloons on his genitals.

His abuse took place when he was aged between 26 and 38, in his family home, often at night when his children were sleeping nearby and when his wife, who was deaf, was unlikely to wake up.

West is wired by detectives before secretly recording White as she confronted him about his sexual abuse of her decades earlier

West is wired by detectives before secretly recording White as she confronted him about his sexual abuse of her decades earlier

West was one of seven children, aged between four and 14, who were cruelly deceived by pedophile White, then a married father aged between 26 and 38.

West was one of seven children, aged between four and 14, who were cruelly deceived by pedophile White, then a married father aged between 26 and 38.

One girl, aged six, vomited after White forced her to perform a sex act. He also urinated on one of his friend’s sons.

Another child was abused during a game of hide and seek after White told them to “hide” in a bed together.

During a plea hearing in Victoria County Court last year, Madeleine demanded White look her in the eye as she read her victim impact statement.

She later said on Instagram that β€œhe was crying and looking away. Over and over again I demanded he look at me.

‘For the first time in his miserable life, he shows an ounce of integrity by looking and listening to me.

β€œHis legacy will not be that of the good guy, the loving husband, the proud father and grandfather.

‘No… the world will remember him as the monster who molested little children. It ends now.’

The actor described her fear and tumultuous feelings years after she was abused by White who preyed on the children of Woodend, 70km northwest of Melbourne.

The actor described her fear and tumultuous feelings years after she was abused by White who preyed on the children of Woodend, 70km northwest of Melbourne.

White, 73, pleaded guilty to 33 charges of child sexual abuse against the seven victims, who were aged between four and 14.

The charges included sexual penetration of a child under 10 and gross indecency with a child.

He was sentenced to 15 years in prison last December, but will be eligible for parole in nine years when he would be 82 years old.

After the conviction, Madeleine celebrated the verdict together with other victims ‘It took 40 years to be delivered, but now it’s here.

β€œIt’s a pittance compared to the life sentence that victims of childhood sexual assault serve, but it shows that victim survivors are not alone, that it was never our fault, that we are not broken and that justice is possible is.

‘This is a crime against children. Of the worst possible kind.

β€œBy continuing to pretend it isn’t happening, we are deliberately putting our children in danger, just as we have remained in danger like so many generations before us.

‘Ignorance is no longer an excuse.’

Judge Amanda Chambers told the court there was no doubt that White’s offense had a profound and devastating impact on the lives of each of his victims.

She found his plea was indicative of remorse, but there was little other evidence that he was genuinely remorseful for his offense or its impact.

β€œThese types of violations go to the very core of the morality of a decent and civilized society,” she said.

1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)

National Sexual Abuse and Redressal Support Service 1800 211 028