Luke Davies and Jesse Baird: Slain Qantas flight attendant Luke brought crewmates to tears with his kindness – before his life was cruelly snatched away

Murdered Qantas caretaker Luke Davies brought his crewmates to tears with his kindness during one of his last flights before his death.

Mr Davies, 29, and his friend Jesse Baird, Channel 10 presenter, died last week, allegedly at the hands of police officer Beau Lamarre-Condon, who has been charged with their murders.

Just three weeks ago, Mr Davies was on a flight from Sydney to Singapore with a dying man with dementia who was traveling with his wife to Switzerland to pay his final visit to his son.

Murdered Qantas caretaker Luke Davies brought his crewmates to tears with his kindness on one of his last flights before his death

Mr Davies, 29, and his friend Jesse Baird, a Channel 10 presenter, died last week, allegedly at the hands of police officer Beau Lamarre-Condon, who has been charged with their murders

The caring flight attendant spent the entire eight-and-a-half hour journey (including his break) with the man and his wife as they flew first class.

“The woman had told him (her husband) that he had severe dementia, and she was really saddened by it, because she kept saying that he was the most beautiful husband and kindest man, and she was losing him to this cruel disease.” , said Qantas colleague Brooke Walters. told the Sydney Morning Herald.

“She became exhausted because he was losing his memory every thirty seconds, like a goldfish, and Luke took it upon himself to care for them constantly.”

Ms. Walters recalled how her friend made an extremely stressful experience as comfortable as possible.

She fondly remembered how he would tuck the man into bed, comfort him in his confusion, and comfort his wife, who was sometimes upset.

“Luke was told they had booked the flight a year and a half ago, but the husband’s condition had deteriorated over the past three months, so it would be their last trip to see their son, and Luke wanted it to be that way . as comfortable as possible,” she said.

Mrs Walters added that Mr Davies loved to travel and was a pleasure to be around.

The bodies of Mr Davies and Mr Baird were finally found on Tuesday afternoon, more than a week after they were allegedly murdered at Mr Baird’s home in Paddington.

NSW Police Officer Lamarre-Condon is accused of shooting them both dead at 9.50am last Monday.

NSW Police Officer Lamarre-Condon is accused of shooting them both dead at 9.50am last Monday

Lamarre-Condon has been charged with the murders of Jesse Baird (right) and Luke Davies (left) at Mr Baird’s rented home in Paddington last Monday

Lamarre-Condon is said to have driven to the Southern Tablelands with an acquaintance in a rented van last Wednesday and bought an angle screwdriver and a padlock along the way.

He then allegedly rented a white Toyota HiAce van from Sydney Airport before returning to the $3 million rented terrace house to collect their bodies on Monday evening, when the van was caught on CCTV outside the house.

On Tuesday, police claimed the officer made “partial confessions” about the killings to an acquaintance, but the alarm was only raised on Wednesday after the couple’s bloodied clothes and belongings were found in a container in Cronulla, in Sydney’s south.

Lamarre-Condon reportedly went to the hospital for day surgery last Tuesday – a day after the alleged shooting, 2GB reported.

The day after the operation, Lamarre-Condon is said to have driven to Bungonia in an apparent attempt to dump the bodies at one of several dams.

He later drove back to Sydney and is said to have bought weights at a Sydney department store at 11pm on Wednesday before returning to Bungonia alone.

The van is believed to have left the Bungonia area around 4.30am on Thursday in a possible attempt to move the bodies to a new location, police said.

Jesse Baird’s distraught family arrived at the crime scene in Bungonia, about 180 kilometers south of Sydney in the Southern Tablelands, on Tuesday evening to view his body.

Shattered friends of Mr Baird and Mr Davies gathered on Bronte Beach for a vigil.

Davies and Baird had a wide circle of friends, despite having only recently moved to Sydney

Lamarre-Condon then allegedly drove the van to Newcastle, 165km north of Sydney, arriving at the home of police officer Renee Fortuna at around 8.30pm, where he allegedly borrowed a hose to clean the vehicle.

He is then said to have driven back to Sydney to his uncle Brian Lamarre’s home in Grays Point in Sydney’s south before dawn on Friday morning and later reported himself to Bondi police station at 10.39am.

Around 11 a.m. Tuesday, Lamarre-Condon finally agreed to assist police from his jail cell in Silverwater and told investigators where they would find the men’s remains — 20 minutes away from another location in Bungonia where police searched on Monday.

Officers then found the couple’s bodies hidden in surfboard bags and buried under rocks and rubble.

Mr Baird’s devastated relatives visited the site on Tuesday evening and spent 15 minutes with his remains before driving away from the scene.

About 110 miles away, shattered friends of Mr Baird and Mr Davies gathered on Bronte Beach for a vigil.

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