Loyla Chicago-Duquesne Division 1 game disrupted by food delivery worker


Lost fast food delivery man crashes into the Loyla Chicago-Duquesne Division 1 game midway through the second half and is ejected from the court by the referee because he is determined to give the order for McDonald’s

Officials at a college basketball game between Loyola Chicago and Duquesne had to unexpectedly stop the clock after a delivery guy walked onto the court in the middle of the game to complete an order.

The deliveryman, out of nowhere, looked lost as he entered the court at the Palumbo Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with just under 17 minutes remaining in the second half of Wednesday’s game.

With the score 40-37 in favor of the Loyola Ramblers, the referee hand signaled the individual to stand aside immediately.

A food delivery man was the highlight of the Loyola Chicago-Duqesne basketball game

Lost, the referee told the dealer to get up off the court midway through the second half.

Confused, the delivery man froze on the court while holding a large McDonald’s soda and brown paper bag. He even looked at the ref, as if he was the one in the wrong.

“Did a delivery guy just walk onto the court?” ESPN’s Sports Center tweeted.

It’s unclear who exactly ordered the food in the middle of an NCAA Division 1 basketball game.

A Pittsburgh Press-Gazette reporter shared that the McDonald’s order landed in the right hands.

Postgame, a college sports writer for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette shared an update on what happened next on Twitter.

“Ref came up and said it was the first time for him,” Abby Schnable said. ‘Also, the guy who was supposed to get the food is on the video panel. He got the MCD from him.

“Craziest thing I’ve ever seen in my life,” Duquesne coach Keith Dambrot said.

The guy had a job to do. He did his job well.

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