Love Island fans SLAM Shaq for gossiping

He is believed to be the spokesman for the boys! Love Island fans SLAM Shaq for gossiping as they blame him for Tanyel getting kicked out

Love Island viewers were once again unimpressed with Shaq Mohammad on Thursday’s episode, as they accused him of being gossip.

The 24-year-old was seen talking to some of the other boys about Ron Hall shortly after Tanyel Revan was thrown out of the villa.

Ron had been in a friendship pairing with Tanyel, but chose to pair up with Lana Jenkins after they recently rekindled their romance.

However, fans didn’t like Shaq’s conversation after he was seen discussing Tanyel’s chances with Jordan during Wednesday’s episode.

One viewer wrote: ‘Shaq is auditioning to be the next Trisha Goddard. Host talks everyday.

Not happy: Love Island viewers once again were unimpressed with Shaq Mohammad on Thursday’s episode, as they accused him of being gossip.

Another said: ‘Shaq and Tanya need to go, they don’t add value, just gossip,’ while a third added: ‘This bitchy child behavior is [puke emoji]’

A fourth viewer said, “Thanks to you Shaq, Tanyel went home because of you.”

A fifth wrote: “Everyone is sick of Shaq what is he doing to the boys behind the scenes,” while another said: “Shaq thinks he is the spokesperson for the boys and he is not.”

On Wednesday, Shaq suspected that Tanyel wasn’t really attracted to Jordan, despite his flirty banter.

Shaq called Olivia Hawkins over for a campfire chat to voice his concerns and also to hear her thoughts on the matter.

Olivia agreed with him, saying she thinks there’s “nothing going” between the pair with Shaq expressing concern that Tanyel may be “using” Jordan.

“You said it, not me,” Olivia replied.

However, many viewers were not happy with Shaq’s behavior, saying that he should “mind his business”.

Dumping: The 24-year-old was seen talking to some of the other boys about Ron Hall shortly after Tanyel Revan was thrown out of the villa.

Awkward: Ron told Shaq and the other kids that he felt a “rift” was forming between them.

Reaction: One viewer wrote: ‘Shaq is auditioning to be the next Trisha Goddard. Hosting conversations every day

One fan took to Twitter and wrote: ‘Shaq…no need for this’, while another said: ‘Shaq needs a 1:1 to mind his business.’

A third viewer wrote: ‘Shaq needs to focus on his own relationship,’ while a fourth asked: ‘Why is Shaq joining Olivia?’

A fifth fan said: ‘I’m sorry, but who gave Shaq and Olivia the confidence to analyze people like that?’

Not happy: Love Island viewers weren’t impressed with Shaq when he questioned Tanyel’s true feelings for Jordan Odofin on Wednesday’s episode.

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