Lockdowns and mandatory vaccines should NOT be forced on Britain by foreign officials, says Nigel Farage – as he urges MPs to reject ‘terrifying’ WHO treaty on future pandemics

  • he says Britain must be prepared to leave the ‘unelected, unaccountable’ WHO

Britain could be forced to accept mandatory lockdowns and vaccines by power-hungry bureaucrats at the World Health Organization, Nigel Farage has warned.

He is calling on MPs to reject a ‘terrifying’ WHO treaty that could allow foreign officials to impose key policy decisions on all 194 member states in a future pandemic.

The former Brexit Party leader says Britain must be prepared to leave the ‘failing, expensive, unelected, irresponsible’ WHO to avoid these sovereign countries being ‘dragged’.

WHO officials will vote on the latest draft of the Pandemic Preparedness Treaty in Geneva next week.

Nigel Farage says he doesn’t trust the World Health Organization and wants it to ‘stop interfering in people’s lives’

Next week, the WHO will vote on a new pandemic treaty

Mr Farage described the WHO as a ‘very dangerous organisation’ and said: ‘The WHO can be a force for good in the world, but only if it returns to its noble principles and core objectives.

‘The role should be to share information and provide guidance, not to dictate policy.

“It must reform to respect national sovereignty, stop interfering in people’s lives and abandon the frankly terrifying pandemic treaty.

“The WHO can no longer ignore the growing dissatisfaction of people around the world. Either it will be reformed or countries will have to abandon it altogether.’

He added: “It’s shocking that someone in Geneva who we didn’t vote for can force us into lockdown.”

The current draft of the pandemic treaty has been significantly watered down compared to previous versions.

It would require Britain to hand over a fifth of its vaccines and medicines for redistribution to “countries facing challenges” in a future pandemic, but does not give the WHO the ability to impose vaccine mandates or lockdowns.

However, Mr Farage and other critics fear this could be reinstated behind closed doors at a later date, along with other requirements such as higher membership fees.

If signed next week, the treaty could be amended at the annual Conference of the Parties (COP), Mr Farage said, giving the WHO ‘additional powers and money they need to build their global public health empire’ .

“This is exactly how the WHO has operated in the past, and it is exactly why I don’t trust the people who run the WHO today,” he told the WHO. Daily telegram.

Mr Farage has joined forces with the new international pressure group Action on World Health (AWH), which wants to reform the WHO.

Its mission is to take back control of health policy and hold WHO accountable for its shortcomings so that future pandemics can be prevented or addressed more quickly and efficiently.

It is said that the WHO has repeatedly failed to protect the public. In January 2020, she wrongly emphasized, among other things, that there was no human-to-human transmission of Covid-19.

The AWH also wants to cut the WHO’s £5.5 billion budget – which is largely funded by Britain, the US and the EU – and is calling on countries to halve their contributions. It says that huge amounts of money are currently being wasted on luxury travel and thousands of employees.

The government has insisted it would never hand over authority over whether to impose lockdowns to the WHO. But Farage wants Parliament to debate the issue and reserve the right to leave the WHO if necessary in a ‘second Brexit’.

Republican senators in the US have also urged President Joe Biden not to sign the pandemic treaty.

They said it would be “unacceptable” to “extend the WHO’s authority over member states” during pandemics, adding that the WHO “has caused lasting damage to our country” because of its failures during the pandemic.

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