Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels star Jake Abraham dies at 56 – months after admitting he left it too late to be diagnosed with cancer

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels star Jake Abraham dies at 56 – months after admitting he left it too late to be diagnosed with cancer

Jake Abraham has passed away at the age of 56.

The Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels star has died just months after sharing his regrets about not being diagnosed with cancer sooner.

The Liverpool native opened up about his condition in July, admitting he was ‘too late’ to see doctors after feeling unwell for a while.

The actor was diagnosed with prostate cancer, which later spread to the rest of his body, causing tumors on his spine, hips and bladder.

When news of Jake’s passing emerged online, friends and fans flooded X, formerly Twitter, with condolence messages.

News: Jake Abraham (photo) has died at the age of 56

Career: In addition to his best-known performances in Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (pictured), he also appeared in Prisoners Wives, Holby City, The Bill and Red Dwarf

Actress Tina Malone, who described Jake as her theater husband, said: “I am devastated, my film and theater husband, my partner of 50 years is gone.

‘Talented, funny, kind, a true Liverpool legend RIP my love.’

Meanwhile, radio personality Pete Price said: “Another wonderful, kind, talented friend has passed away. Jake will be so missed. I’ve always enjoyed his performances.’

Another social media account wrote: ‘Such sad news today. Jake Abraham, one of the city’s most beloved actors, has died at the age of 56.

Another said: ‘Liverpool have lost a great talent and a great man in Jake Abraham. thoughts and prayers are with his family.”

Another person said, “God bless you, Jake. Always a little bit of diamond. Very sad news. I’m glad I shared a few boss memories with you over the years. Goodnight, RIP buddy.”

Jake, who recently appeared on stage in pantomime The Scouse Jack and the Beanstalk, said he finally went to his GP after a long period of illness.

He told the Liverpool ECHO: ‘I was working but I wasn’t feeling well. I was dealing with those periods when you don’t feel yourself, you don’t have the energy and there are aches and pains.

Response: When news of Jake’s passing emerged online, friends and fans flooded X, formerly Twitter, with messages of condolence

“The costume for the play was huge, I knew I wasn’t well at the time, but I hadn’t been well for so long.

‘What made me go to the doctor and get a PSA (prostate specific antigen) test was that I had blood in my urine.

‘I took a test and got into the Royal. He said, ‘You have cancer, I’m so sorry.’ He said I’d had it for years, maybe four years.’

Jake initially received radiotherapy treatment, but after a while they changed his treatment plan to palliative care.

The star said he was told at the time he had months or years to live.

Due to his late diagnosis, he was keen to encourage others to get themselves checked if they feel ill.

In addition to his best-known performances in Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, he also appeared in Prisoners Wives, Holby City, The Bill and Red Dwarf.

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