Lisa Marie Presley details exactly how Michael Jackson seduced her in a Las Vegas hotel room

Lisa Marie Presley’s new memoir From here to the great unknownis full of fascinating stories.

One of them is about how pop icon Michael Jackson managed to seduce her while she was still married to Danny Keough, with whom she had two children.

Lisa Marie carefully describes how they bonded over time with intimate late-night conversations. And the Thriller singer even proposed in a Las Vegas hotel room before they even shared their first kiss.

Presley said at the time that she was deeply “in love” with the iconic singer because he had a “remarkable” quality similar to that of her father Elvis Presley.

But the relationship turned sour when he turned to drugs due to the stress of his sexual assault trials. Towards the end of their marriage, she found him “calculating” and even called him a “snake” in the book.

The memoir, written with the help of her daughter Riley Keough after Lisa Marie’s death in 2023, was released Tuesday.

Lisa Marie Presley’s new memoir, From Here To The Great Unknown, is full of fascinating stories. One of them is about how pop icon Michael Jackson managed to seduce her while she was still married to Danny Keough; seen in 1994 in France

The two developed a bond during their fractured childhood, she said in the memoir; seen in 2009. They were married from 1994 to 1996

The two developed a bond during their fractured childhood, she said in the memoir; seen in 2009. They were married from 1994 to 1996

Lisa said she first met Michael when she was very young, but she didn’t really remember it.

‘I met Michael Jackson when I was a little girl in Las Vegas. I think I was about six years old. My dad was performing at the Hilton and the Jackson 5 were playing down the road. Michael remembered me going backstage and meeting them. I can’t remember at all.’ she wrote in her book.

However, Jackson did, even down to the white dress she wore, which intrigued her.

She also admitted in the book that their traumatic childhood in the spotlight was the commonality that initially brought them together.

And the nepo beauty insisted the physical attraction was very real and ‘intense’.

Lisa Marie also said that Jackson was the only man she revered like her father Elvis Presley. Both had a strong charisma that she couldn’t keep away from.

Lisa Marie said Jackson pursued her for years.

Michael had called her mother when she was about 16, hoping they could hook up, but she didn’t go for it.

A “few years” after that, she said Michael tried to contact her again, but she was about to marry Danny Keough.

The first time she really spent time with Michael was in 1993. They met through a mutual friend whom she did not name.

Lisa Marie carefully describes how they bonded over time with intimate late-night conversations. And the Thriller singer even proposed in a Las Vegas hotel room before they even shared their first kiss

Lisa Marie carefully describes how they bonded over time with intimate late-night conversations. And the Thriller singer even proposed in a Las Vegas hotel room before they even shared their first kiss

When she said she thought they might not get physical until they got married, he said,

When she said she thought they might not get physical until they got married, he said, “I’m not waiting.”

She said she really didn’t want to hang out with Michael because she didn’t want to become his “project,” which she said Prince had tried to do before.

The first time they hung out, Jackson showed up alone and they chatted for a while before exchanging phone numbers. She noted that he seemed “normal” and didn’t have his squeaky voice.

She was a Scientologist who lived in Clearwater and was married to Danny, but they were on the rocks.

Afterwards, Lisa Marie and Michael spoke often on the phone and she said he was clearly ‘pursuing’ her.

They met in Atlanta and hung out, but there was no physical contact because they were just friends.

She said they talked and spent time together for months as they developed a deep friendship.

But when he invited her to Las Vegas, things really started to click between them.

They stayed in different rooms, but she went to his and they talked all night long. The conversations were about their difficult childhood, which created a strong bond.

Presley then shared that she was deeply

Presley then shared that she was deeply “in love” with the iconic singer because he had a “remarkable” quality similar to that of her father Elvis Presley; seen in 2015

Lisa Marie said he opened up to her because “she didn’t judge him.”

She was only supposed to be in Las Vegas for two days, but she ended up staying eight days because their bond was so “insanely strong.” she said in the book.

The memoir, written with the help of her daughter Riley Keough after Lisa Marie's death in 2023, was released Tuesday.

The memoir, written with the help of her daughter Riley Keough after Lisa Marie’s death in 2023, was released Tuesday.

The star added that Danny even showed up in Las Vegas to find her, but she told him she was only “helping” Michael.

Lisa Marie said on her last night in Vegas, she went to Michael’s room and he admitted to her that he was “in love with her” and told her they should get married and have kids.

She wrote in her book: ‘The last evening Michael invited me to his room. When I arrived he said, ‘Don’t look at me. I’m really nervous. I want to tell you something,” and then he turned off all the lights.

‘In the dark, Michael said, ‘I don’t know if you noticed, but I’m in love with you. I want us to get married and for you to have my children.”

He then played her a song that described his feelings and said, “You don’t have to say anything. I know I rejected you, but I really want you. I want to be with you.’

Lisa Marie then explained that she was “flattered” but didn’t know what to say, so she went back to her room to take it all in.

She said she had “had the same feeling as him” and was “completely in love with him.”

Lisa Marie said she flew back to Los Angeles and told Danny the truth about her and Michael. She was vague about what exactly she told him, but whatever the interaction was, she made it clear in the book that he packed his bags and left and they were over.

Lisa said Michael was a virgin at the time. He had said he had kissed Tatum O’Neal and Brooke Shields, but that was the only physical interaction he had ever had with a woman.

Lisa then said he just kissed her out of the blue and he “turned it on” and the “physical stuff” started happening, which she said left her “shocked.”

When she said she thought they might not get physical until they got married, he said, “I’m not waiting.”

But the relationship turned sour when he turned to drugs due to the stress of his sexual assault trials. Towards the end of their marriage, she found him

But the relationship turned sour when he turned to drugs due to the stress of his sexual assault trials. Towards the end of their marriage, she found him “calculating” and even called him a “snake” in the book.

Lisa Marie also noted in her book that after she filed for divorce, they kept in touch for a long time. Riley added in the book that they spent a lot of time in NeverLand

Lisa Marie also noted in her book that after she filed for divorce, they kept in touch for a long time. Riley added in the book that they spent a lot of time in NeverLand

Lisa Marie also noted in her book that when she divorced Danny, he wouldn’t take money that “looked so much like him.”

Then Lisa Marie described getting married in the Dominican Republic with two witnesses.

Noting that she was actually “so happy,” she said, “I’ve never been happier.”

Presley made the tapes for the book not long before she died in 2023.

Describing their married life as “normal,” Lisa Marie said they sometimes snuck away to a rented house where they acted like perfectly normal people doing laundry and watching TV together.

Riley (L) and Lisa Marie attend ELLE's 24th Annual Women in Hollywood Celebration at the Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles in Beverly Hills in 2017

Riley (L) and Lisa Marie attend ELLE’s 24th Annual Women in Hollywood Celebration at the Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles in Beverly Hills in 2017

Lisa Marie also noted that Michael was “remarkable” in a way that her father Elvis was, making it clear that Michael was a stand-in for her great daddy.

And she also said in the book, “I fell in love with him because he was normal, just so damn normal.”

And then the fighting started. She said she started noticing differences in him when he was doing press for his album HIStory.

And then she started to see him doing things her father liked to do, going to the doctor often and withdrawing from her.

He also sent her away because they got into an argument about the medications he was taking. At that time she filed for divorce.

Lisa Marie also noted in her book that after she filed for divorce, they kept in touch for a long time. Riley added in the book that they spent a lot of time in NeverLand.

Lisa Marie also said in the book that she felt Jackson had a dark side because she feared that all he wanted to do was have children with her and dump her and then keep the children for himself.

She said: ‘I knew his nature and he was very controlling and calculating.’

They were married from 1994 to 1996.