LinkedIn wants you to use AI tools to find your next job

LinkedIn has unveiled plans to boost career development by integrating even more AI into its platform, this time to support coaching within LinkedIn Learning.

With its latest injection of artificial intelligence, LinkedIn hopes to close the gap in accessible career advice for users on its platform.

The company unveiled new research showing that three in five (60%) people worldwide would like to know who they can turn to for career advice, with many not having access to a dedicated career coach.

LinkedIn wants to be your AI career coach

With its latest development, LinkedIn wants to bring human and artificial intelligence closer together. The Microsoft-owned platform partners with LinkedIn Learning instructors such as Alicia Reece, Anil Gupta, Dr. Gemma Leigh Roberts and Lisa Gates, who the platform says are experts in career development, global business strategy and wellbeing.

Individuals can choose an expectation, ask a question and have a conversation, but the experience will be powered by AI.

Hari Srinivasan, VP Product at LinkedIn and author of the announcementadded: “We work closely with each instructor to ensure the AI-powered answers are authentic to their teaching style and tailored to their expertise to ensure a high-quality experience.”

Users can ask questions like “how do I negotiate my salary” or “how do I build a growth mindset,” and the generative AI model will produce an answer based on information such as the user’s title, career goals, and skills they have acquired. follow the platform. .

Srinivasan also addressed the complicated and complex issue of ownership when it comes to using GenAI: “As we enter a new world of generative AI technologies, we are beginning to roll out royalties when students access the expertise of our instructors using AI-powered coaching within a course.”

He confirmed: “If a student uses this feature to ask a question within the course, the instructor will be paid.”

As the battle for social media heats up and competing companies look to make their platforms even better, LinkedIn’s partnership with Microsoft, a major OpenAI investor, will certainly help the company stay at the forefront of AI.

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