LinkedIn now wants to be more like…TikTok?

LinkedIn appears to be taking inspiration from TikTok as it tests a new short video feed.

This move will see LinkedIn following a trend set by other major platforms – Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube have all used short videos to connect with audiences following the successes of TikTok, which really gained momentum at the start of the pandemic started winning.

The change, which was confirmed by LinkedIn, has already been noticed in the wild.

LinkedIn introduces short video feeds

Austin Zero shared a screenshot of the updated app on LinkedIn – a new Video tab is located between Home and My Network in the bottom navigation bar. It appears that the Post button has been moved to the top of the interface, next to the Posts button.

The new Videos tab appears to offer a vertical scroll of short videos, and users can join in by liking, commenting and sharing them. While very similar to other platforms, LinkedIn’s video feed is expected to focus on professional content, and creators will likely have to battle with more algorithms to ensure success on yet another platform.

Microsoft claims that videos are becoming increasingly popular among users looking for insights from professionals and experts, hence the update to LinkedIn.

While the move seems fairly atypical for LinkedIn, the platform has been making some pretty significant changes in recent months, including adding gaming experiences. Creators have already found success sharing professional advice on other platforms, like TikTok, and it makes a lot of sense that the content is also available on LinkedIn, given its audience.

This is what a LinkedIn spokesperson said Ny Breaking in an email that this move comes in response to videos quickly becoming one of the favorite formats of the platform’s members to learn from other professionals and experts, confirming that the company is testing new ways to engage with members to get in touch.

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