Lies of P developers plan to “ease the difficulty level” of the start of the game

If Lies from PThe game’s demanding difficulty kept you from delving into the Pinocchio-themed soul world. Then fear not, because changes are coming to make the start of your journey a little easier.

This was revealed by Lies from P director Ji Won Choi in the new ‘Director’s Letter’ video posted to YouTube today (November 1). As well as discussing plans for a sequel and DLChe spoke about an upcoming patch (which will make adjustments to certain weapons), as well as the fact that the developers will be making an adjustment to Pinocchio’s default skills to address the game’s “high difficulty from the start,” noting that this “It could have created challenges for some players”.

“We have received feedback that the character’s default stats appear insufficient and that the game requires a significant degree of control and skill. Yeah, we’ve definitely heard of the kicking doll at Venigni Works,” he said, referring to the notoriously difficult enemy players encounter in the game’s third area.

“To lower the difficulty in the early stages of the game, we plan to give our protagonist the Rising Dodge ability as a default ability, eliminating the need to unlock it via the P-Organ,” he continued. “Polendina will also sell two additional Quartz from the first phase of its store. I hope these adjustments help you experience the feeling of improvement in combat at an earlier stage of the game.”

For those unfamiliar, Rising Dodge allows the player to perform a dodge when knocked to the ground, which can certainly be useful when fighting tough enemies. Otherwise, Quartz is an upgrade material that can be used to upgrade the P-Organ to unlock even more abilities. Gaining access to more of these sooner will give players more options to fine-tune their approach to the game.

Based on what the director said, it’s not entirely clear whether these changes will be included as part of the game’s upcoming patch, so we’ll have to stay tuned for now. The idea of ​​making things easier may be controversial to some fans of the brutal, soulful genre, but many may be relieved that the game’s start will soon be a little more forgiving.

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