Liberals with the blood of a THREE-WEEK-OLD on their hands: A tiny naked corpse found abandoned in a bush – after his homeless addict dad was allowed to ‘care’ for him. Why? Because Democrat officials were scared of being called racist…

The death of a three-week-old boy who was placed in the care of his homeless, drug-addicted father in Washington state has shocked the nation.

But don’t expect the wildly misguided progressive crusade behind this travesty to be reversed anytime soon, writes the Seattle radio show host. Jason Rantzin this passionate commentary.

Because, Rantz points out, Pacific Northwest Democrats’ extremists are willing to sacrifice the lives of children in pursuit of their insane liberal agenda.

Nowhere in America is the deranged, destructive madness of the progressive left’s crusade to “de-stigmatize” drug use more evident than in the Pacific Northwest.

In 2020, a 58 percent majority in the suicidal state of Oregon voted to become the first in the nation to decriminalize hard narcotics, from fentanyl to heroin, and from oxycodone to methamphetamine.

What could go wrong?


Two years later, the Beaver State has become a real-life version of the “How It Began” meme. How are you.’

According to the state health authority, 280 people in Oregon died from unintentional opioid overdoses in 2019. By 2022, that number had skyrocketed to 956.

Portland, a once-thriving city devastated by open-air drug use, just declared a 90-day state of emergency to combat the fentanyl crisis. But don’t call it progress.

Bizarrely, the plan sets no benchmarks for success, makes no promise to arrest criminal drug users, and takes no step toward reversing the misguided pro-addiction ideology that fueled this carnage.

According to the state health authority, 280 people in Oregon died from unintentional opioid overdoses in 2019. By 2022, that number had skyrocketed to 956. (Above) Drug addict lies on the street in downtown Portland, Oregon on January 25, 2024

Portland, a once-thriving city devastated by open-air drug use, just declared a 90-day state of emergency to combat the fentanyl crisis.  But don't call it progress.  (Above) Streets of Portland, Oregon in January 2024

Portland, a once-thriving city devastated by open-air drug use, just declared a 90-day state of emergency to combat the fentanyl crisis. But don’t call it progress. (Above) Streets of Portland, Oregon in January 2024

These progressives, aware of the catastrophic reality, still think that “criminalizing addiction” creates a stigma that prevents addicts from seeking treatment, as if the current approach has led to long lines at treatment centers (which is not the case ).

This twisted dogma has also taken hold in neighboring Washington state, where a three-week-old baby boy has now sadly been added to the long list of victims resulting from his malicious approach to America’s ever-expanding addiction crisis.

In all their perverse wisdom, the Washington State Department of Children, Youth and Families was supposed to leave a newborn child with his drug-addicted father after the baby was born on Christmas Day with traces of fentanyl in his system.

The state separated the child from his biological mother and placed him with 37-year-old Jordan Sorensen, a prolific criminal with no stable address.

Court documents show that Sorensen, who failed an initial drug test, was given unsupervised custody of the baby, after which he almost immediately stopped adhering to the terms of his custody and disappeared.

He was later found by police hiding in a homeless camp and then informed police that his child was already dead.

The small body was found naked, dumped in a discarded car seat covered in bushes.

Sorensen denies killing the boy or using drugs before the baby’s death. Only then, Sorensen admits, did he get high.

Who could read about this case without concluding that something has gone seriously wrong in Washington State?

A progressive – that’s who.

Enter Brett Ballew from the Washington State Office of Public Defense. “I understand some of the concerns where children have been injured or children have died,” he said of this heartbreaking, preventable tragedy. ‘But I will say: it has always been that way. I believe we are in the right balance.’

The state separated the child from his biological mother and placed him with 37-year-old Jordan Sorensen (above) – a prolific criminal with no stable home address.

The state separated the child from his biological mother and placed him with 37-year-old Jordan Sorensen (above) – a prolific criminal with no stable home address.

Washington state's

Washington state’s “Keeping Families Together Act,” in effect since July 2023, says that substance abuse and prenatal exposure to drugs and alcohol are not grounds to remove a child from a parent’s custody because it is ” does not in itself constitute immediate physical harm’. (Above) Homeless man in Seattle, Washington

This twisted dogma has also taken hold in neighboring Washington state, where a three-week-old baby boy has now sadly been added to the long list of victims resulting from his malicious approach to America's ever-expanding addiction crisis.  (Above) Homeless camp in Seattle, Washington

This twisted dogma has also taken hold in neighboring Washington state, where a three-week-old baby boy has now sadly been added to the long list of victims resulting from his malicious approach to America’s ever-expanding addiction crisis. (Above) Homeless camp in Seattle, Washington

The incredible, unconscionable truth of this horror is that it was intentional.

Washington state’s “Keeping Families Together Act,” in effect since July 2023, says that substance abuse and prenatal exposure to drugs and alcohol are not grounds to remove a child from a parent’s custody because it is ” does not in itself constitute immediate physical harm’.

State Democrats argued that the law was necessary because of — you guessed it — racism.

“Black and Indigenous children continue to be disproportionately removed from their families and communities” compared to white children, the legislation laments.

So their psychotic cure? A game of Russian roulette with children’s lives.

This is the same state that fiercely protects children seeking gender-affirming care from parental intervention, but paradoxically thinks fentanyl fiends are fit to be responsible caregivers.

I challenge you to give meaning to that!

In turn, Republicans in Washington have introduced legislation to reverse course and make the use of controlled substances a disqualifying offense for someone seeking custody of a child. But Democrats, who have full control of the state legislature, will not support the bill.

Even a measure requiring the court to give “major weight” to the availability of synthetic opioids in a household when determining custody was pushed back.

A district official claimed the bill “could actually put (children) at greater risk of harm” because “the increasing stigma instills fear, creates fear and drives families away from treatment.”

The madness knows no bounds.

Jacob D’Annunzio of the Washington State Office of Public Defense has even claimed that there is no medical consensus on “the actual threats posed by fentanyl or other synthetic opioids.”

King County Seattle’s historic 1,309 fatal drug overdoses last year could point him in the right direction.

Will the misguided advocates of these woke policies ever wake up and see the blood on their hands?

It’s long past time for this “harm reduction” farce to end, with the government playing the leading role, handing out clean needles, fentanyl pipes and even booty-bumping kits for a vein-sparing high through the rectum.

Liberals in the Pacific Northwest have rolled out the red carpet for drug addicts, hiding behind the lame excuse that stigma is the real villain here.

And tragically, children are paying the price for this aberrant progressive crusade.