Leverage effective data management for competitive advantage

In today’s digital age, organizations of all sizes are inundated with data. Despite this, many companies are still unfamiliar with how to effectively use data in the right ways to stay competitive. A recent 2023 survey from The Decision Dilemma by Oracle and author Seth Stephens-Davidowitz found that 78% of business leaders complain that they are being bombarded with more data than ever before. To make matters worse, 86% of these decision makers say the amount of data makes decisions in their personal and professional lives more, not less, complicated.

To address these issues, organizations must take steps to address lingering concerns around data management. However, mastering this area of ​​expertise requires insight into the larger data landscape. By taking a closer look at the specific challenges of data management and formulating a proactive strategy, organizations can begin to conquer the vast data frontier that is undoubtedly transforming modern businesses.

Jay Allardyce

General Manager, Data & Analytics, insight software.

Challenges of effective data management