Letter containing white powder sent to Donald Trump Jr.’s home

MIAMI– Emergency services responded Monday after a letter containing an unidentified white powder was sent to the Florida home of Donald Trump Jr., the eldest son of former president and GOP frontrunner Donald Trump.

A person familiar with the matter said results on the substance were inconclusive, but officials do not believe it was fatal. The person spoke on condition of anonymity to confirm details of the letter, which were first reported by The Daily Beast.

Trump Jr. opened the letter, which also contained a death threat, in his home office, and emergency workers in hazmat suits responded.

Jupiter police said the investigation is being handled by the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office, which said it is cooperating with the U.S. Secret Service but had no further details. The Secret Service declined to comment.

Trump Jr. is one of his father’s top campaign surrogates. He regularly headlines events and appears in interviews on his behalf.

This is the second time that white powder has been sent to the former president’s eldest son. In 2018, his then-wife, Vanessa, was taken to a New York City hospital after opening an envelope addressed to her husband that contained an unknown white powder. Police later said the substance was not dangerous.

In March 2016, detectives and FBI agents investigated a threatening letter sent to the Manhattan apartment of Donald Trump Jr.’s brother Eric, which also contained a white powder that turned out to be harmless.

Envelopes containing white powder were also sent twice in 2016 to Trump Tower, which served as Trump’s campaign headquarters.

White powder hoax attacks play on fears dating back to 2001, when letters containing deadly anthrax were sent to news organizations and the offices of two U.S. senators. Five people died because of those letters.

__ Colvin reported from New York.

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