LeBron James admits his fame makes life ‘challenging at times’ and wishes he could go to ‘Starbucks’


The hard life of an NBA billionaire! LeBron James laments his universal fame and says he wishes he “would like to walk into Starbucks like normal people,” while he talks about how “challenging” his lack of normality is.

LeBron James has admitted that he wishes he could continue to act like ‘normal people’ while revealing the consequences behind his universal stardom.

The NBA legend, widely regarded as one of the best to ever play basketball, insisted he wasn’t “complaining about it” but revealed that there are times when his fame can become “challenging.”

James sent out a cryptic tweet after the Los Angeles Lakers failed to sign Brooklyn Nets star point guard Kyrie Irving, who was instead traded to the Dallas Mavericks.

James is now just 36 points shy of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s all-time scoring record, and with the California team next in action against the Thunder, the Lakers legend will be there to pass the torch.

But the 38-year-old still maintained that having the constant spotlight on him and his life prevent him from being able to do “normal things” off the pitch.

There is constant media attention and pressure on the shoulders of NBA legend LeBron James.

There is constant media attention and pressure on the shoulders of NBA legend LeBron James.

LeBron James admitted that his fame prevents him from doing

He and his wife Savannah can't go to Starbucks like 'normal people'

LeBron James admits his fame prevents him from doing “normal things” off the court

James says he wishes he could

James says he wishes he could “go to Target” and “walk into a movie theater like regular people.”

“I don’t want to say it’s too much, but there are times when I wish I could do normal things,” James told The New York Times.

‘I wish I could just walk outside. I wish I could just walk into a movie theater and sit down and go to the concession stand and buy some popcorn. I wish I could go to an amusement park like normal people.

“I wish I could go to Target sometimes and walk into Starbucks and have my name on the cup like normal people.

‘I’m not sitting here complaining about it, of course not. But sometimes it can be a challenge.’

James isn’t the first sportsman to express the challenges professional athletes face in their careers, despite the obvious advantages that come with a career in sports.

Cricketers Ben Stokes and Nat Sciver-Brunt have taken a break from the sport in recent years to prioritize their mental well-being, as have tennis star Naomi Osaka and American gymnast Simone Biles.

And while James’ comments don’t indicate he’ll do the same, they further highlight the tensions and pressures in a sports star’s career that fans might not immediately anticipate.

In his field, there is arguably no one better than James, who is the only player in all of NBA history to record at least 30,000 points, 10,000 rebounds and 10,000 assists.

James has spoken about the consequences a life in the spotlight can have

James has spoken about the consequences a life in the spotlight can have

The 38-year-old is just 36 points shy of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's all-time NBA scoring record.

The 38-year-old is just 36 points shy of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s all-time NBA scoring record.

And as such, she has a massive social media following to match that number, with some 144 million followers on Instagram.

His friend and himself a former game trainer Dru Joyce III said sky sports of how the Akron-born star was always aware of the attention his on-court skills would bring him: ‘[James] he knew how good he was, and he knew the attention would come with it.

‘The things you see now I witnessed when I was 11, just on a smaller scale. He has improved his tools and his fundamentals have sharpened: his game has become perfect.’

The Los Angeles Lakers star currently has some 144 million followers on Instagram and is one of the most followed athletes in the world.

The Los Angeles Lakers star currently has some 144 million followers on Instagram and is one of the most followed athletes in the world.

And it has also spoken out in the past about the importance of using its elevated platform to advocate and support movements and initiatives to give them more coverage.

After last Thursday’s clash with the Pacers, James told the media: “Hopefully I’ve had enough of an impact for people to appreciate what I’ve done, and also appreciate what I’ve done off the court, even after it’s over.”

But I don’t live for that. I live for my family, for my friends and for my community that needs that voice.’