Leaked screenshot gives us our first real look at BioShock 4

a BioShock 4 A screenshot has apparently leaked online, potentially giving us our first look at the game since it was announced.

First noticed by MP1ethe in-game screenshot seems to give us our first clear look at developer Cloud Chamber’s next entry – codenamed Park side – in the BioShock series.

According to the report, the screenshot comes from an early demo build of the game that was shown off in a 2021 showcase reel. In it, we see a simple HUD with an ability wheel in the bottom left, with LB and RB icons indicating certain actions. Given their respective designs, it seems like there could be powers related to magnetism and lighting, as well as a compass mechanic.

There’s also a health bar and what could be some sort of Plasmid, Vigor, or power bar, along with another icon that resembles an hourglass, which could refer to a power the player will have; perhaps it has something to do with time.

As for the weapon, the text at the bottom right identifies it as a “Ricochet Shotgun” with blue glowing elements.

The rest of the footage is a little less clear, but we can clearly see a tall glowing structure, or tower, with what looks like a statue of the sun on top. It certainly reminds me of the lighthouses from the opening scenes of the first BioShock games, which play an important role in their prologue and where the player ends up.

Since the game is still in development, it’s likely that assets are still being worked on and a lot could change before the full reveal takes place.

We don’t have a release date for BioShock 4 Not yet, but Cloud Chamber recently confirmed it is “ramping up” development after sharing a number of new job listings.

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