Leader of Canada’s House of Commons is forced to apologize after honoring a NAZI in the public gallery who fought in WWII – as 98-year-old is given round of applause by Justin Trudeau and visiting Zelensky

The Speaker of Canada’s House of Commons has apologized for recognizing a man who fought for a Nazi military unit during the Second World War.

The apology, sent out in a statement on Sunday, came from Chairman Anthony Rota – who said he only recently realized that a man he had celebrated days earlier during the visit of a Ukrainian delegation had been killed in a notorious Nazi prison during World War II. war unit had served.

Instead, Rota – a member of the Liberal Party – wrongly introduced 98-year-old Yaroslav Hunka as a war hero on Friday, someone who fought for the First Ukrainian Division during the years-long conflict.

The fateful introduction came moments after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy — hours after securing a new year-long aid package from the U.S. — gave an impassioned, pleading speech to Canada’s House of Commons.

Afterwards, lawmakers gave Hunka a standing ovation after Chairman Rota drew attention to him. In response, the elderly ex-Third Reich supporter was seen waving a thumbs up and smiling at some of the country’s most important figures.

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Yaroslav Hunka, right, awaits the arrival of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the House of Commons in Ottawa on Friday. The Speaker of Canada’s House of Commons apologized Sunday for recognizing Hunka, who fought for a Nazi military unit during World War II

The apology, sent out in a statement on Sunday, came from Anthony Rota (right) – who said he only just became aware that Hunka, 98, had served in a Nazi unit. Also present were Justin Trudeau and Zelensky, who, according to the speaker, were also unaware of the veteran’s history

On Sunday, days after the apparent accident, Rota, 62, issued a fawning statement.

“In my remarks following the speech of the President of Ukraine, I recognized a person in the stands,” the speaker wrote, after calling Hunka both “a Ukrainian hero (and) a Canadian hero.”

‘I subsequently became aware of more information that made me regret my decision to do this.’

The official in charge of all motions before the Candian House continued to distance himself from his fellow MPs – including Justin Trudeua, also present – ​​and insisted that no one was aware of his plans to honor Hunka.

Rota also noted that Hunka is from his district, and then apologized to Canada’s more than 335,000 Jewish residents, and others around the world who were offended by the flu.

“I especially want to offer my deepest apologies to the Jewish communities in Canada and around the world,” he said.

‘I accept full responsibility for my actions.’ Hunka could not immediately be reached for comment.

Afterwards, lawmakers gave Hunka a standing ovation after Chairman Rota drew attention to him. In response, the elderly ex-Third Reich supporter was seen waving a thumbs up and smiling at some of Canada’s most important figures. He has not yet commented on the apparent confusion

After Zelensky delivered a speech in the House of Commons on Friday, Canadian lawmakers gave Hunka a standing ovation — after Rota drew attention to the senior by hailing him as both a “Canadian (and) Ukrainian hero”

The Ukrainian politician’s visit came as part of the two countries’ ongoing alliance against Russia, and after he secured a multimillion-dollar aid package from the US last year.

Members of Parliament from all parties stood to applaud Hunka. A Conservative Party spokesperson said the party was not aware of his history at the time

Days earlier, the politician sang a very different tune about the visiting veteran’s history, hailing him as a “hero” and even thanking him “for his service.”

Canadian lawmakers cheered and Zelensky raised his fist in recognition as Hunka saluted from the stands during two separate standing ovations — performed by nearly everyone in attendance, including Trudeau and an unwitting Zelensky.

He had been in Ottawa to drum up even more support from Western allies for his country’s war against the invading Russian army — whose leader Vladimir Putin has portrayed his enemies in Ukraine and beyond as “neo-Nazis.”

Zelensky, meanwhile, is Jewish and lost family members during the Holocaust, but has yet to comment on the enormous confusion.

Prime Minister Trudeau’s office said in a statement that Rota apologized and took full responsibility for issuing the invitation and for the recognition granted in front of Parliament.

“This was the right thing to do,” the statement said about the speaker’s Sunday apology, stressing that it came at Rota’s own will.

“No prior notification was given to the Prime Minister’s Office, nor to the Ukrainian delegation, about the invitation or the recognition,” the prime minister’s team said.

Canadian lawmakers cheered and Zelensky raised his fist in recognition as Hunka saluted from the stands during two separate standing ovations – performed by almost everyone in attendance, including Trudeau and an unwitting Zelensky

Zelensky, meanwhile, is Jewish and has lost family members in the Holocaust, but has yet to comment on the enormous confusion

The First Ukrainian Division was also known as the Waffen-SS Galicia Division or the SS 14th Waffen Division, a volunteer unit commanded by the Nazis.

The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies issued a statement Sunday saying the division was “responsible for the mass murder of innocent civilians at a level of cruelty and malice that is unimaginable.”

“An apology is owed to every Holocaust survivor and World War II veteran who fought the Nazis, and an explanation must be given as to how this individual entered the hallowed halls of Canada’s Parliament and gained recognition from the Speaker of the House of Representatives and a standing ovation,” the statement said.

B’nai Brith Canada CEO Michael Mostyn said it was outrageous for Parliament to honor a former member of a Nazi unit. idea of ​​ethnic cleansing.’

‘We understand that an apology is coming. We expect a meaningful apology. Parliament owes all Canadians an apology for this outrage, and a detailed explanation of how this could possibly have happened at the center of Canadian democracy,” Mostyn said before Rota made his statement.

Members of Parliament from all parties stood to applaud Hunka. A Conservative Party spokesperson said the party was not aware of his history at the time.

“We find the reports about this person’s history deeply disturbing,” Sebastian Skamski said, adding that Trudeau’s Liberal Party should explain why he was invited.

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