Lawn Maintenance: Essential Tips For A Flourishing Yard

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For your yard to flourish, it may need some TLC in preparation. Many imagine painstaking afternoons spent fine-combing a lawn for the slightest imperfections. In reality, the process is much more straightforward than that. 

Your yard is composed of different plant species. Often overlooked is the grass that ties it all together. It will become immaculate if you give your lawn the same tender love and care that you give your houseplants or your garden. It’s all about finding the right balance if you want golf course grass. 

If you’re looking for further information, you can see more at the Golf Course Lawn Store.

Regular Watering 

Water is a must-have for any plant to survive, even drought-tolerant species. There are many different types of grass, even with golf course grass,  so it is essential to do some research before you set your schedule. Developers and builders usually stick with species that do well locally because they are cheaper and easier to maintain. If you have a specialty grass or an import to your region, it may need additional watering to stay lush. 

Weed Control

Weed control is of great importance. Weeds break up the uniform look of a lawn and steal vital nutrients away from the surrounding area. Removing the weeds from your lawn and keeping them at bay will help ensure that any additional effort to maintain your lawn goes directly to the plants you intend to keep. Hand-pulling weeds is an option if they are sparse, but if your lawn is overrun with weeds, you may want to use a broad-spectrum weed killer to begin. Make sure you choose a product that won’t damage your grass

Seasonal Fertilizing

Fertilizing should be done about twice a year on average for healthy lawns. Different fertilizers are available to help your lawn through its active and dormant seasons. Some are designed to help growing plants stay healthy, and others are intended to revive the soil and available nutrients while your grass is dormant, often in the late fall to winter months. Follow the package instructions carefully when measuring and distributing your fertilizer so as not to use too much product. Too much fertilizer can chemically burn your yard. 

Regular Trims

Cutting the lawn is a chore that will persist as long as your grass grows. Regular trims promote grass growth. Much like trimming the ends of your hair, cutting your lawn regularly promotes new shoots and continued growth as blades of grass work to repair themselves. Keeping your mower blades sharp with regular service and a consistent mowing schedule will help make your lawn fuller and look great. 

Perfecting Your Yard

Would you like to be the envy of your neighbors with golf course grass?  Once a system is worked out, maintaining a plush, golf course-style lawn isn’t too demanding. It is essential to treat your lawn as you would any other plant. Regular pruning, feeding, and watering are necessary for your yard to thrive. Once you find the perfect balance, routine maintenance, and a seasonal touch-up are all that is needed.