Lauren Boebert wins Colorado primary election amid her nearly-nude date night and other scandals

Republican troublemaker Lauren Boebert scored a victory in her crowded primary in a new district on Tuesday night.

The Colorado congresswoman switched from her Third District, where she narrowly won in 2022, to the more reliably Republican Fourth District after Rep. Ken Buck retired.

After handily defeating five other Republicans, she is now in a comfortable position to win with a 13-point lead over Republicans in November.

The victory came after a difficult year full of embarrassing scandals for the 37-year-old grandmother.

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Col.) scored a victory in a new district after switching jurisdictions this cycle. Pictured: Boebert with her campaign manager greets supporters at an election night party Tuesday, June 25, in Windsor, Colorado

She was kicked out of a Beetlejuice performance in Denver last year for vaping and groping her date. She divorced her husband in 2023 and the police were called several times due to arguments between the family.

The congressman’s 18-year-old son, Tyler, made her a grandmother in April 2023 at the age of 36 and is now awaiting trial after being arrested for shoplifting in February of this year.

The race in Colorado’s Fourth Congressional District was called 25 minutes after the polls closed at 9:00 PM Eastern Time, with Boebert leading about 30 percent.

Boebert has turned heads with her own professional antics.

She shouted out President Biden during his State of the Union address and tweeted “This is 1776” during the January 6 Capitol riot.

Boebert, a Trump ally, was endorsed by the former president, who called her a “trusted American warrior.” But even that endorsement received some backlash after Boebert became a divisive figure within the MAGA movement.

In November 2021, Boebert was forced to apologize after insinuating that hijab-warring Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., was a terrorist.

Boebert was infamously ejected from a Denver theater performance of Beetlejuice for vaping and groping her date last year (pictured)

Rep. Boebert is pictured with her son Tyler, who has a baby and made the lawmaker a grandmother at age 36

“One of my staffers got into an elevator with me in the Capitol on his first day. And we were joined in that elevator by Ilhan Omar,” Boebert told the crowd in September. “There were three of us there and I looked at it and said, look, it’s the Jihad squad.

“She doesn’t have a backpack with her and she didn’t drop it and run away, so it’s good,” Boebert added of her Somali refugee colleague.

Boebert later posted her apology on X: “I apologize to anyone in the Muslim community who I offended with my comment about Representative Omar. There are enough policy differences to focus on without this unnecessary distraction.”

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