Latest Epstein Documents Released: Another 17 Evidence Unsealed by Court
- The court published the latest set of files after hundreds of files were unsealed last week
- Bombshells from previous files include new allegations against Prince Andrew
- The court has not yet released a clear list of the names that were previously secret
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Another set of documents from the infamous Jeffrey Epstein files have been released.
The court released seventeen pieces of evidence on Monday – the latest in a stream of documents made public over the past week.
Previous documents revealed more allegations against Prince Andrew and shed more light on Epstein's friendship with Bill Clinton, but none contain explosive new specific allegations against previously unknown associates. is currently reviewing the final stack of papers and will update this story shortly.
Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell
The first piece of evidence, filed by Virginia Giuffre's lawyers against Ghislaine Maxwell, alleges that Maxwell and everyone who worked for Epstein used a secret server to communicate.
The server – called MindSpring – was used by housekeeping staff to communicate about daily tasks and events.
One employee complained about how “ridiculous” it became, explaining that Epstein would demand a “coffee” or “orange juice” through the server and multiple employees if they were all in the same house.
Giuffre's attorneys argued that Maxwell only provided discovery material from some of her email accounts. They claimed she had another one that allegedly contained incriminating information.
Maxwell denied it.
All the filings come from a 2015 defamation case that Giuffre filed against Maxwell.
At the time, Giuffre had gone public with her claims against Prince Andrew, Maxwell and Epstein. She said she was sexually trafficked to the royal family by Maxwell and Epstein, who she alleged abused numerous other girls in similar ways.
Maxwell, Epstein and Prince Andrew denied her allegations.
Giuffre sued Maxwell for publicly labeling her a liar. The case was settled in 2017 — two years before Epstein was indicted and later died by suicide — and before Maxwell's arrest.
They have now become public after repeated requests from the media and some of those involved in the scandal who called for court transparency.
What was expected was a list that exposed the 187 Jane and John Does whose names were previously protected.
The court did not comply with that request and instead published hundreds and hundreds of pages where the names had previously been redacted.