Laser hair removal burns: Woman left with burns following laser gone wrong

Young woman, 27, left with ‘massive hot spots’ all over her legs after laser hair removal session gone horribly wrong

  • Tess Crosley visited her local laser clinic on November 3, 2022
  • But she walked out with terrible burns on her legs
  • For six months she tried to undo the damage

A young woman developed dark spots all over her legs after a laser hair removal appointment went wrong.

Tess Crosley, from Sydney, visited a laser clinic on November 3, 2022, but walked out with small painful burns that covered from her shins to her thighs.

What followed was a six-month ‘saga’ of trying to undo the damage done.

The 27-year-old tried “everything,” from taking cold showers to talking dermatologists and spend money on LED treatments. But at first nothing seemed to work.

As time passed, the spots started to fade on their own. The mother-to-be shared her experience in a TikTok video.

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Tess Crosley, from Sydney, visited her local laser hair removal clinic on November 3, 2022, but walked out with minor painful burns all over her legs

When she got home from the appointment, Tess was in terrible pain and the spots started to swell, so she put ice on the skin and took cold showers for “hours”.

“I used laser aid [cream] for days because my skin was so hot,” Tess wrote in the video. She contacted the clinic and had to wait a few days before coming back.

She then started yellow LED treatment every two days for weeks to help with wound healing, skin rejuvenation, rosacea, and redness.

After a week, she noticed that the stretch marks began to diminish and continued the treatment.

Four weeks later, she began applying hydroquinone cream twice a day as directed by the clinic.

“I came home sobbing because people were publicly asking what was wrong with my legs,” she wrote in the video.

“I spent so much money on different opinions and advice. No one could do anything, not even dermatologists.’

At that point, the spots had turned from red to white and resembled “reindeer spots.”

However, a few weeks later, Tess said her legs got “really burned” from being in the sun one day.

To her surprise, the spots started to fade, so she purposefully decided to go out in the sun again to see if it would help.

She noticed that as her legs tanned, the spots faded and “evened out” her skin tone.

Today Tess’s legs are free of the round white spots.

“My six-month leg saga. i [definitely] I’m not posting this TikTok to recommend getting out in the sun if this happens to you.. please be very careful and do your own research,” she captioned the video.

“Every skin type is different and it can have very negative side effects for someone else.”

According to calveo, to avoid burns in laser hair removal in the first place, it is advised to avoid exposure to the sun.

Laser treatment after tanning can cause hyperpigmentation, burns and scars.

She tried ‘everything’ for over half a year and received a yellow LED treatment for weeks. However, she noticed that the spots started to fade from being in the sun. Today Tess’s legs are free of the circular “reindeer marks” she hated (Pictured: What Her Legs Look Like Today)

Tess’s video has since been viewed over 1.3 million times and many had a plethora of questions to ask. Others felt sorry for her.

“So happy for you that your skin has gotten better,” one person commented, another added, “I’m so sorry this happened to them, it’s [an] terrible experience.’

A third was horrified that she deliberately went out in the sun, writing, “Did you burn your skin on purpose?” Girl!’

But Tess replied, “I know it’s not good for you, but in the end it made me happier and more confident.” People also do a lot worse with their bodies every day.

‘I’m usually very safe from the sun and have my skin checked annually. I also know my body and skin well.’

Treatment for laser pigmentation removal: the facts

* Laser pigmentation removal works to safely and effectively reduce the appearance of freckles, pigmentation and age spots.

* The laser targets only the pigmented lesion in the skin that absorbs the light, without damaging the surrounding skin.

* The laser heats up and shatters the pigment. The pigment is then drawn to the surface without damaging the surrounding tissue.

*Once drawn to the surface, the pigmented lesions will fade or dry up and flake off the treated area, leaving the skin with an even complexion and complexion.

* Two weeks before the treatment, avoid direct sun exposure and apply SPF50.

* You should also avoid laser, IPL, skin needling and cosmetic peels, as well as fake tanning, tanning beds or tanning medications.

* There is minimal downtime with this treatment and side effects can include redness, swelling and tenderness.

* These side effects are temporary and disappear with proper aftercare. You can expect peeling and darkening of the treated pigmentation approximately 3-5 days after treatment. This usually takes 7-10 days.

* Pigmentation removal is suitable for people with light to fair skin (Fitzpatrick 1-2) and who are not prone to hyperpigmentation.

Source: Laser Clinics Australia

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