The Morning Show’s Larry Emdur shares photos of the VERY public place he lost his virginity: ‘Crazy to think about!’

Larry Emdur reminisced about the good old days on Monday.

The Morning Show star waxed lyrical about his time growing up in Sydney’s Ben Buckler area, a heritage-listed strip of land that is part of North Bondi.

The 59-year-old recalled surfing the local waves, splashing in the pools and having sex in the beach car park.

The television host confessed that he lost his virginity to Ben Buckler in a not so romantic setting.

‘Look at this great old photo of Ben Buckler in North Bondi, before roads, before buildings, before double shots of decaffeinated frappuccinos, before Brazilians (the tourists or the laundry)’ he wrote in a lengthy caption next to retro images of the region.

Larry Emdur (photo) reminisced about the good old days on Monday. The Morning Show star waxed lyrical about his time growing up in Ben Buckler’s Sydney area

‘Ben Buckler was my life, the center of my universe, we lived there, I learned to swim in the baby pool (maybe I pooped there a few times).

‘My first job ($5 for 4 hours) was delivering newspapers there, I learned to surf right off those rocks, I hid there when I skipped school, I lost my virginity in the parking lot (romantic, I know), ‘ he continued. .

‘I had a special rock that I could sit on for hours, watching the waves, solving all my problems, dreaming about what my life would be like when I grew up and coming up with crazy ideas.

‘My bachelor pad is on Ben Buckler, (wife) Sylvie and I started our life together there. It’s funny (crazy) to think how much of my life has taken place here.”

The 59-year-old recalled surfing the local waves, splashing in the pools and having sex in the beach car park.  The television presenter confessed that he lost his virginity to Ben Buckler (photo) in a not so romantic setting

The 59-year-old recalled surfing the local waves, splashing in the pools and having sex in the beach car park. The television presenter confessed that he lost his virginity to Ben Buckler (photo) in a not so romantic setting

1709563228 879 The Morning Shows Larry Emdur shares photos of the VERY

“Look at this great old photo of Ben Buckler in North Bondi, before roads, before buildings, before double shots of decaffeinated frappuccinos, before Brazilians (the tourists or the washes),” he wrote in a lengthy caption alongside retro images of the region

Ben Buckler, a strip of heritage-listed land that is part of North Bondi (pictured)

Ben Buckler, a strip of heritage-listed land that is part of North Bondi (pictured)

Larry and Sylvie met on a plane in the 1990s while she was working as a flight attendant.

The television presenter and his wife have been married since 1995 and have two children, son Jye and daughter Tia.

Larry and Sylvie celebrated their 29th anniversary last year.

In an interview for The Sunday Telegraph’s Body+Soul, the couple revealed they have a pact to create memories by doing something crazy every year for as long as they can.

“We decided that we should do at least one completely crazy thing every year so that we have some ridiculously good stories to remind each other of when we’re at the nursing home,” Larry said.

Larry and his wife Sylvie met on a plane in the 1990s while she was working as a flight attendant.  Take a photo together

Larry and his wife Sylvie met on a plane in the 1990s while she was working as a flight attendant. Take a photo together