Larian Studios wants YOU to test the next big update to Baldur’s Gate 3

Larian Studios has lifted the veil on Baldurs Gate 3‘s next big update, reveal new details of previously announced features, as well as unexpected improvements to the game’s split-screen multiplayer. Players can test out Patch 7 by signing up for a closed beta test suite beginning next week.

The biggest factor in the new patch is Larian’s long-awaited official modding toolkit, currently in closed alpha. The new tool gives mod makers what they need to make cosmetic changes – like additional hair options, dice skins, or UI tweaks – as well as more substantial additions to the game itself, like new species and classes as options in character creation.

The patch preview also details numerous adjustments and bug fixes to companion behavior, animations and dialogue triggers, brand new cinematics for the finales of “evil” playthroughs, and a more dynamic split screen option in multiplayer.

An animated .gif of two PCs in Baldur's Gate 3 multiplayer, shown in a right and left split screen. They walk towards each other and the split screen disappears when they enter the same area.

Image: Larian Studios

Larian attributes this change to the power of friendship, which “transcends all barriers, including screen dividers.”

Given the magnitude of adding mod support to an already massively complicated game, the studio conducted a closed alpha with mod creators. And now Larian is ready to open up that testing pool a lot wider, to really put Patch 7 to the test “at scale, with a variety of different systems and savegames,” according to their update.

Baldurs Gate 3 Players can register for the closed beta of Patch 7 features at the Baldurs Gate 3 page on Steamwith the beta period going live on July 22nd. You can read the full details at the Baldurs Gate 3 Steam Community Page.