Large study finds these 10 lifestyle choices lower risk of ALL cancers

Striking new research has revealed the 10 crucial lifestyle choices that reduce cancer risk by 70 percent.

Breastfeeding, avoiding certain supplements and eating no more than three servings of red meat per week are just three.

Also on the list (below) are two and a half hours of exercise per week, avoiding sugary drinks, maintaining a healthy weight and limiting fast food.

Unfortunately for drinkers, giving up alcohol completely is just another step in the fight against cancer.

The study was conducted to analyze the validity of an earlier set of ten similar recommendations from the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) and the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR).

During breastfeeding, periods are irregular – and this reduces the amount of the sex hormone estrogen that the body is exposed to throughout life. Excess estrogen has been linked to an increased risk of cancer

Researchers from the University of Newcastle in Britain tested the guidelines on people from Britain, using data from 94,778 adults with an average age of 56.

They used self-reported diet and exercise data, as well as participants’ body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference measurements.

Each participant was scored on their compliance with the recommendations of the seven.

They also used cancer registry data to track cancer diagnoses over the eight-year study period.


  1. Staying at the lower end of the healthy BMI range: 18.5-24.9
  2. Two and a half hours of exercise per week
  3. Eat a balanced diet – with at least 30 grams of fiber per day and at least five servings of fruits and vegetables
  4. Limit fast food
  5. Eat no more than three servings of red meat per week
  6. Avoid drinks with added sugar
  7. No alcohol
  8. Stay away from supplements for cancer prevention
  9. Breastfeed if possible for six months
  10. Continue to follow your doctor’s advice after a cancer diagnosis

In their analyzes they controlled for age, gender, socio-economic disadvantage, ethnicity and smoking status.

On average, the participants scored 3.8 out of seven for following the recommendations.

About 7,296 participants (eight percent) developed cancer during the study.

The researchers found that greater compliance with the suggestions led to a lower risk of cancer.

For every recommendation patients adhered to, they reduced their cancer risk by seven percent.

They also found that each one-point increase in the adherence score was associated with a 10 percent lower risk of breast cancer, a 10 percent lower risk of colorectal cancer, an 18 percent lower risk of kidney cancer and a 16 percent lower risk of esophageal cancer. , a 22 percent lower risk of liver cancer, a 24 percent lower risk of ovarian cancer and a 30 percent lower risk of gallbladder cancer.

People with a score of 4.5 or more had a 16 percent lower risk of all cancers combined, compared to people with an adherence score of 3.5 points or less.

Perhaps one of the most surprising recommendations was breastfeeding.

Researchers suggest that the protection may be due to hormonal changes that occur during breastfeeding.

During breastfeeding, periods are irregular – and this reduces the amount of the sex hormone estrogen that the body is exposed to throughout life.

Excess estrogen has been linked to an increased risk of cancer.

Meanwhile, fast food has been linked to cancer because eating it in large quantities increases the risk of obesity. Being overweight can cause a host of hormonal changes that can cause tumors to grow.

Red and processed meats contain compounds such as heme and nitrates, which, when broken down in the body, form compounds that can damage the cells lining the intestine, increasing the risk of cancer.

The 10 recommendations to prevent cancer include avoiding red meat and alcohol, exercising at least two hours a week and breastfeeding if possible.

As for alcohol, it breaks down into a chemical called acetaldehyde, which can cause DNA damage linked to a variety of cancers.

There is also no evidence that taking supplements for cancer prevention has any benefit, and according to the WCRI, people should aim to get their nutrients from food and drink alone.

Cancer dietitian Nichole Andrews previously said: ‘If you take more than 200 per cent of the daily value of a bunch of supplements that you don’t need, they become free radicals and increase your risk of cancer.’

The researchers emphasized that because their study is observational, they cannot be certain that the lower cancer risk was caused by adhering to the ten recommendations.

The findings were published in the journal BMC medicine.

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