Kyle Gallagher: Tradie’s desperate texts from hospital pleading for help hours before he died at STARS in Brisbane’s Metro North Hospital

Kyle Gallagher: Tradie’s desperate texts from hospital pleading for help, hours before he died at STARS at Brisbane’s Metro North Hospital

Grief-stricken parents want to know what hospital care their dying son received in his desperate final hours.

Kyle Gallagher, 22, tried to contact both his father and mother and complained about being denied help to breathe before dying at a Brisbane rehabilitation center on July 14.

Kyle’s death, a month after he suffered serious brain injuries in a motorcycle accident, is now the subject of a coronial inquest.

The night he died, the young roofer texted his father, Matty Gallagher, to say, “I need something to breathe.”

He sent another heartbreaking message to his father, saying: “They’re not giving me anything and I won’t make it much longer.”

The death of Kyle Gallagher, a month after he was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident, is now the subject of a coronavirus investigation

Two of the anguished messages the young tradie sent to his father before he died

Two of the anguished messages the young tradie sent to his father before he died

Kyle also contacted his mother, Christina Dargusch, calling her phone, but she was unable to answer.

Mrs Dargusch did not realize her son had called until the next morning, shortly after she was informed that he had died in the care of the Surgical, Treatment and Rehabilitation Service (STARS).

STARS is part of Brisbane’s Metro North Hospital, located in Herston.

‘Why is he dead? Why?’ Mr Gallagher wanted to know more 7News.

Both parents want to know exactly what checks were performed on their son before he died.

Kyle Gallagher, 22, tried to contact both his mother and father and complained about being denied help to breathe before dying at a Brisbane rehabilitation center on July 14.

Kyle Gallagher, 22, tried to contact both his mother and father and complained about being denied help to breathe before dying at a Brisbane rehabilitation center on July 14.

Kyle Gallagher had been in and out of hospital several times after suffering a brain injury in a motorcycle accident a month before his death

Kyle Gallagher had been in and out of hospital several times after suffering a brain injury in a motorcycle accident a month before his death

They now realize that Kyle’s attempts to contact them were because “he knew he was dying.”

They expected Kyle to make a full recovery after suffering broken bones and post-traumatic memory loss from the crash.

The brain injury left him with no memory of the accident, said his stepmother, Tegan Samorowski.

“Sometimes he would move, feel pain and ask, ‘Daddy, why am I in so much pain?’” Mr. Gallagher said.

At some point, Kyle discharged himself from the hospital.

Still in severe pain, he returned to the hospital emergency department the next day.

His family invoked ‘Ryan’s Rule’ and wanted control over his medical decisions, but were told by hospital authorities that he was of sound mind and could make his own decisions as an adult.

Kyle Gallagher's desperate father Matty Gallagher is demanding to know why his son died after being unable to breathe.  Pictured: Mr. Gallagher with Kyle's stepmother Tegan Samorowski

Kyle Gallagher’s desperate father Matty Gallagher is demanding to know why his son died after being unable to breathe. Pictured: Mr. Gallagher with Kyle’s stepmother Tegan Samorowski

READ MORE: What is ‘Ryan’s Rule’?

Ryan’s Rule’ is a health care clause in Queensland introduced in 2007 after three-year-old Ryan Saunders was misdiagnosed with mumps and his parents were sent away with instructions to give him Panadol.

Thirty hours later he died from toxic shock.

The Queensland government introduced the clause which stated: ‘No child or adult shall be rejected, misdiagnosed or left untreated.’

STARS told 7News in a statement that its staff was in support of Kyle’s family, but that he could not comment further as a coronial inquest was underway.

Queensland’s health ombudsman is also investigating.

It is understood the ombudsman and coroner will take at least three months to report their respective findings.

Daily Mail Australia approached Queensland Health and the Office of the Health Ombudsman for comment.