Kourtney Kardashian, 43, reveals the top five yoga moves

Kourtney Kardashian has managed to stay in good shape even well into her forties.

And on Tuesday, the wife of Travis Barker, 43, shared on her POOSH website what are some of her favorite yoga moves to stay slim: they include child’s pose, cat’s pose, and puppy’s pose, among others.

It turns out that the girl’s pose is one of her favorites to help with digestion. “Yoga helps create space in the body to help promote the movement of food through the digestive tract,” she said on her site.

Work It Out: Kourtney Kardashian has managed to stay in great shape even as she establishes herself in her forties. And on Tuesday, the wife of Travis Barker, 43, shared on her website POOSH about some of her favorite yoga moves to stay slim.

She knows how to move: The star is seen here doing some basic yoga moves.

“You can stimulate the digestive tract through gentle abdominal pressure,” he added.

“Perhaps most importantly, through relaxing the body, helping us move further away from the body’s stress response and closer to the body’s ‘rest and digest’ parasympathetic state. When stressed, the body slows down digestion to redirect energy toward the perceived threat ahead.

Then he suggested moves.

The first was the child’s pose: ‘Sit on your shins with your feet and knees together. Bend your upper body over your legs with your forehead facing the floor or a block. Let his arms rest towards your feet. Hold for 10 breaths. Why: Gently compress your abs.

Yoga is good for the body: As it turns out, Child’s Pose is one of her favorites for helping with digestion. “Yoga helps create space in the body to help promote the movement of food through the digestive tract,” their site reads.

Next up was the cat pose: ‘Start in a tabletop position on all fours, shoulders over wrists and hips over knees. As you inhale, arch your spine, letting your belly drop down as you lift your tailbone, chest, and chin. As you exhale, round your spine by pressing the floor away from you and tucking your chin in toward your chest. Complete 10 rounds.’

This helps to lengthen and gently compress the abdominal organs.

He also recommended the puppy pose.

‘From tabletop position, keep your hips over your knees and walk your hands forward so your head and chest move toward the floor (or place your head on a block or rolled blanket). Hold for 10 breaths. Why: Stretch the belly.

And then there was the sphinx pose.

She also goes to the gym: Earlier this week she was seen in a gym doing Dona Matrix Training.

Lie on your stomach and support yourself on your forearms with your elbows under your shoulders and forearms parallel.

‘Press down with the tops of both feet to bring energy into the legs. Do the same with your forearms to lengthen your neck away from your shoulders. Hold for 10 breaths. Why: Simultaneously lengthen and compress the abdominal organs.’

There was also the reclining twist and the wind relief pose.

Last week he shared that he takes several supplements every day and that one of his ‘lunchtime supplements’ was NAD+ Platinum. “It has so many benefits and I love it,” she wrote on her Insta Stories, insisting the post was “not an ad.”

Glow for it: Kardashian spoke last week about supplements

A map: Travis Barker’s wife posted that he takes multiple supplements every day and that one of his ‘lunchtime supplements’ was NAD+ platinum

She wrote that Nad+ was ‘the most direct precursor to our anti-aging molecule: NAD+ is our genetic key to longevity, but levels naturally decline as we age. NMN is the direct NAD+ precursor of the mist (as opposed to NR which is commonly used in NAD+ supplements), health fanatic wrote.

It displayed the Quicksilver Scientific brand but explained that the post was not an advertisement.

“It’s not an advertisement,” he wrote, adding that he is advertising the product because it has many benefits and “he loves it.”

‘An all-in-one longevity formula that supports 3 key pillars of longevity: NAD+ generation, sirtuin activation, and methylation.’

She also had two Lemme Matcha jelly beans in her photo; she represents Lemme.

A+ for her: “It has so many benefits and I love it,” she wrote on her Insta Stories while adding that the post was “not an ad.”

The supplements were also covered on their Poosh website.

“Kourtney is always in touch with her doctor, because she knows that her needs, goals, and body are constantly changing, just like the rest of us,” the copy on her site read.

“She often tailors her supplement line to align with how she feels; what new workouts, foods, or cleanses you are following; and how to meet certain intentions and biomarkers.’

More on this: It showed the Quicksilver Scientific brand but explained that the post was not an advertisement. “It’s not an advertisement,” he wrote, adding that he is advertising the product because it has many benefits and that he “loves it.”

Added that their rotation includes Theranatal OvaVite, OvaVite Preconception Prenatal Vitamin, which is $155.

‘THERALOGIX THERANATAL: If you’ve been tuning in to the show on Hulu, you’ll know that Kourt hasn’t had any qualms about wanting to conceive. Every morning on an empty stomach, Kourt takes three of these prenatal capsules. With his specific vitamins and minerals, these are just right for her body at this stage of preparation. Consider it a multivitamin, tailored to his needs right now,’ she shared to herself.

He also takes a methylfolate supplement for $58.

Fun in the Sun: ‘An all-in-one longevity formula that supports 3 key pillars of longevity: NAD+ generation, sirtuin activation, and methylation.’ He also had two Lemme Matcha jelly beans in the photo of him; she stands for let me

“Another supplement that Kourt takes before eating in the morning is this methylfolate from Thorne,” it was detailed.

“It is a highly absorbable active form of vitamin B (also known as folic acid) that can be used immediately by the tissues. Helps maintain heart, blood, and brain health by helping to regulate serotonin, melatonin, dopamine, and epinephrine. Folic acid is very important before and during early pregnancy to facilitate a healthy conception.’

Another is MegaSporeBiotic: ‘These probiotics are usually recommended by a functional nutritionist or doctor, which is how Kourt found out about them. He takes them morning and night (as recommended by her doctor for her for

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