Know The Top Ten Household Pests In Your Home

Australia is blessed with a rich diversity of flora and fauna, many unique when compared to the rest of the world. But also among these are a few that inhabit homes and cause a bit of alarm and stress as they affect properties and of course cause health risks. So while a few pests and strays do cause risks there are many who do not cause serious enough damage to threat life. Yet since they are unwanted and cause some degree of concern and disruptions, it is best to know a little about them to help tackle them better when they do arrive and unannounced! Above all the pest issues can very easily be controlled or prevented by engaging Pest Control Service Reservoir experts who have all the combat and control tactics.

Nagging insects and bugs like termites and borers can literally bore a hole in your pockets apart from woodworks and common irritants like cockroaches spell infections in the long run. Hiring expert service providers of Pest Control in Laor is practical approach to a permanent eradication of household pests.

Identifying common household pests 

Pests are a plenty and they differ in their scale of infestation depending on availability of warmth, food and shelter. Let’s look at the common varieties.

1. Ants

These irritating elements seemingly harmless are constant invaders in homes and also in outdoor occasions like camp out or picnics. Although considered a nuisance and harmless they do carry risks with them. Bull ant species can give painful bites and allergic reactions to sensitive people. Species that infest homes are coastal brown ants, argentine ants and of course carpenter ants. They all carry disease causing pathogens and feed on all kinds of organic matter and attack sweets, proteins in our kitchen and larders. If they discover a food source they build a colony and result in a huge number. Apart from food contamination, they can attack wiring of electrical appliances and also plastic adding to expenses. If you see a trail of ants or small mounds of soil at bottom of external walls, rest assured you have ants and you need to see where their colony is based. By using home remedies like sprays some relief may be felt but ultimately ringing in Pest Control service Reservoir professionals will give permanent solutions. 

2. Cockroaches

These are the commonest invaders who love moist and damp areas preferably dark and dirty spaces. They seek warmth and infest homes that provide it. Salmonella, dysentery, gastro enteritis are common diseases they transmit. Their feces also cause eczema and asthma. They feed on food spills, rotten fruits, glue, cardboard, carcass, feces and dead bodies of other cockroaches. They are active in night and remain hidden in the day time. Small brown smears, skin husks or droppings are sure identifiers of their presence. They use pheromones to attract others of their kind. If you live around Melbourne and have these pests constantly attack your living spaces, do not rest easy as they can get dangerous. Call in professional services of a good Pest Control in Melbourne and see your life getting healthier and better. 

3. Termites

These are the most lethal pests as they cause massive damage around homes, with an average of 1 to 3 homes in Australia coming under their infestation. They lay eggs that can reach to 2000 per day and so their infestation is a serious matter.  They inhabit in areas that have warm weather and they spell costs that run pretty high due to repair and also they pose problems for house owners who wish to sell their property if it has come under termite attack. If your home structure is predominantly wood, then termite infestation can be extremely destructive. If you spot very small holes drilled into the ceiling beams or hollow tunnels running along grain of wood in your homes, this means you have termites!  Calling in professional Pest Control service Reservoir services is a sure way of saving your homes, money and time as they have the right approach and tools for complete extermination!

4. Rats and Mice

These are the top nuisance factor, dirtying up homes, spreading infections and damaging property. They carry a variety of disease causing agents that cause meningitis, typhoid, and even infectious jaundice. Those with low immunity suffer the most. Symptoms arising from rats causing health issues are fever, swelling and nausea. 

They breed and multiply very quickly and attack electric wires, food pantry and chew plastic. Their feces and urine also result in contamination of food, through accidental contact. If you hear scratching sounds on roof, ceiling or walls or see droppings, it means you need to reach out for professional services for Pest Control in Melbourne. 

5. Spiders

There are more than 2000 spider species in Australia. These are also common to homes. Symptoms from contact with them may be a minor wound to a life threatening one if the species is venomous. They like to remain concealed behind wardrobes, eaves, air vents, behind book cases, in gardens, sheds and garages, in wall corners, preferring damp and dark areas to spin a web to collect food. During warm seasons mature spider lays egg sacs that may contain 3000 eggs. They live for several years so if you see any it is best to call professional exterminators and have them removed. 

6. Fleas

These are small but irritants we wish to avoid and often thrive in the fur of your pets at home and also infect any other coming in contact with them. Sadly they are difficult to rid once they make an entry into your home. Worst still hundred of eggs are laid by a single adult female and they develop quickly with larvae maturing in three weeks. Symptoms they cause in those they attack themselves are discomfort, scratching and itching. They might also transfer parasitic elements like tapeworm through their bites. So to safeguard yourself, your kids and pets, approaching expert Pest Control service Reservoir service professionals is the practical thing. 

7. Wasps and bees

Bees are common to Australia and seldom build their hives near residences. There are around 1500 species in Australia. Wasps often nest under verandahs, eaves and go on thriving undetected. Both wasps and bees cause painful stings with wasps causing multiple ones as they can attack more than once. The wasps that cause damage are mud wasps, paper wasps and European wasps. Both bees and wasps can infest on outdoor sheds, walls and roof and can build a large population. These species when they arrive usually come in large numbers and handling them is no easy matter. They have to be driven out by knowledgeable professionals. So once you spot the buzz of even one, try looking for the source and d get down to calling the masters of pest control.

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