Kizzy Ball: Beloved teenage girl who dreamed of becoming a nurse dies suddenly as her heartbroken family now prepares for their first Christmas without her

A devastated family prepares for their first Christmas without their precious daughter, who has tragically died from a heart condition.

Kizzy Ball, from Bream Creek, 50km east of Hobart, died peacefully in her sleep on September 3, aged just 19.

She was born with a congenital heart defect and has undergone multiple surgeries throughout her life.

Mrs Ball is remembered as a passionate and carefree young woman who loved nature and aspired to become a pediatric nurse.

Kizzy Ball (pictured) died peacefully in her sleep on September 3, aged just 19

Mrs. Ball had a congenital heart condition and underwent multiple surgeries throughout her life

Mrs. Ball had a congenital heart condition and underwent multiple surgeries throughout her life

“She focused her energy on her friends, her family and live music – the three greatest passions in her life,” said Mrs. Ball's mother, Amanda Crane. The Mercury.

“She never wanted anyone to worry about her – or anything for that matter.”

Mrs Ball's mother and brother Raff Ball prepare for their first Christmas without their beloved daughter and sister.

Mrs Crane shared a heartfelt Christmas message.

“Kizzy was not interested in wealth or possessions,” Ms. Crane said The Mercury.

'She wanted us to live more simply and felt that people were losing sight of what was important. Kizz had an enormous capacity for love, loyalty and kindness; she could see the light in almost everyone.”

'I think my message – as I would take from Kizz – is: live your life; slow down and appreciate what you have.

“Count your blessings and celebrate the precious value of your friends and family. And, for God's sake, turn up the music.'

Mrs Ball is remembered as a carefree teenager who loved nature and aspired to become a pediatric nurse

Mrs Ball is remembered as a carefree teenager who loved nature and aspired to become a pediatric nurse

Both Mrs. Crane and Mr. Ball believe that Mrs. Ball knew deep down that she would not live much longer.

She was not interested in going to her heart surgeon for her next operation and had told her mother the songs she would like to hear at her funeral a week before her death.

Mrs Ball was farewelled by family and friends at Turnbull Funerals in North Hobart on September 11.

“We knew Kizz had a long road ahead of her in terms of her health,” Ms Crane said.

'But she continued to go through life enthusiastically, radiant and making others laugh.

“We are so happy that she spent her short time with us as fully and passionately as she did.”