Kim Kardashian reveals what Salma Hayek said to her amid backlash over THAT racy American Horror Story role

Kim Kardashian is opening up about a conversation she had with legendary actress Salma Hayek when she landed a role in American Horror Story.

The 43-year-old reality star – who was spotted in New York for her Swarovsky x SKIMS launch – made headlines when she was cast as publicist Siobhan for the new season, especially since Kim isn’t an actress.

Kim said in the new episode that while many fans online requested the role for Salma Hayek, the actress actually had some sage advice for the reality star.

“I just have to get it together. All these people are like, ‘You should give the role to Salma Hayek. Why don’t you give a real actress a job?” Kim confesses.

Apparently, Kim herself reached out to Salma and revealed, “I said to her, ‘What have I gotten myself into? I feel bad,’ and she says, ‘Don’t feel bad. Maybe this whole road has led you here because you’re supposed to be an actress and this is your real career,’ and I say, ‘You’re right, Salma Hayek. And I thought, can we play sisters in something? Because you are my idol.’

Kim’s chat: Kim Kardashian talks about a conversation she had with legendary actress Salma Hayek when she landed a role in American Horror Story

Cast: The 43-year-old reality star made headlines when she was cast as publicist Siobhan for the new season, mainly because Kim is not an actress

Salma’s Advice: Apparently Kim herself reached out to Salma and revealed, “I said to her, ‘What have I gotten myself into? I feel bad,’ and she says, ‘Don’t feel bad. Maybe this whole road has led you here because you’re supposed to be an actress and this is your real career,’ and I say, ‘You’re right, Salma Hayek. And I thought, can we play sisters in something? Because you are my idol

The episode cuts to Kim, who arrives at Scott Disick’s house and reveals that she just got her first script for her role in American Horror Story.

“So, are you excited? Are you nervous?’ Scott asks, as Kim says, “I’m really excited,” while Scott asks, “I mean, do you know what your character is like?”

Kim says she does that while going over the script, while Scott asks, “Why did you decide to do this?”

Kim replies, “I want to try something new,” as Scott says, “That’s so cool,” as Kim confesses, adding, “I’ve literally traveled from Japan to Paris to London to Palm Springs to Northern California, like everywhere where I am. the place, and now I have to go to New York for American Horror Story. So much is happening. I know when I was in Cabo, I said I wasn’t going to fill up every space and I just wanted to have some time there to do nothing,” as she flashes back to earlier in the season where Kim revealed her, “intentions for the year .’

She told her family that she “didn’t want to feel like I had to fill every available hour,” as Kris told her at the time, “That’s a great resolution.”

Kim adds a confessional, “And that obviously didn’t work out,” as they head back to Scott’s house as Kim goes over the script.

‘But why can’t I just study law, be an actress and be a goddamn minister? Why can’t I do everything, you know? It’s like: do what you want to do, and am I bothering anyone? No,” Kim adds confessionally.

Kim goes through the script and notices that the pages have her full name watermarked on them, noting, “It has my name!”

Script: The episode cuts to Kim, who arrives at Scott Disick’s house and reveals that she just got her first script for her role in American Horror Story

Excited or nervous: ‘Are you excited too? Are you nervous?’ Scott asks, as Kim says, “I’m really excited,” while Scott asks, “I mean, do you know what your character is like?”

Why: Kim says she does that while going over the script, while Scott asks, “Why did you decide to do this?”

Difficult: ‘But why can’t I just study law, be an actress and be a damn minister? Why can’t I do everything, you know? It’s like: do what you want to do, and am I bothering anyone? No,” Kim adds confessionally

She adds, confessionally, “I just want to make sure I’m prepared. I have a lot of lines, it’s a lot of work.’

Back at Scott’s house, Kim continues to go over the script as Scott asks if she wants him to “play someone.”

She reads that her character Siobhan ‘Anna turns to look at herself in the floor mirror. She looks absolutely amazing. Look at this woman. Do you seriously think anyone will try to fuck her?’

Kim confessionally adds, “Scott will always lighten the mood and just have fun with it, which I think will calm it down a bit, at least until I get to New York and realize, ‘This is happening. This is real.”‘

Scott asks how long this will take and Kim reveals that they are shooting “three episodes a week for four months,” which is very different from a typical TV drama series, where one episode is typically filmed over eight days.

Scott asks who’s on the show and Kim says, “Emma Roberts, so she must be Anna,” and when Kim says she’s probably in New Jersey filming, Scott says he wants to “look on set to you.’

Kim adds, confessionally, “I love my character. I’m this publicist, she’s a “I don’t care” girl. She just has no emotion whatsoever. I’m channeling Tracy (Romulus) and Kourtney in my head.”

Kim continues to read the script as it is revealed that her character has killed someone and she says, “I fucked your uncle.”

Prepared: She confessionally adds, “I just want to make sure I’m prepared. I have a lot of lines, it’s a lot of work’

Really: Kim confessionally adds, “Scott will always lighten the mood and just have fun with it, which I think will calm it down a bit, at least until I get to New York and realize, ‘This is happening. This is real”‘

Schedule: Scott asks how long this will take and Kim reveals that they are shooting “three episodes a week for four months,” which is a far cry from a typical TV drama series, where one episode is typically filmed over eight days

Who else: Scott asks who’s on the show and Kim says, “Emma Roberts, so she must be Anna,” and when Kim says she’s probably in New Jersey filming, Scott says he ‘wants to look at you on set’

Scott says he’s “looking forward” to getting a place with her in New York and “split it,” adding, “and if I say split it, you pay 90% and I pay 10 %.’

Kim adds, “Just make sure it has its own entrance and exit and everything,” while Scott adds, “The thing is, townhouses are kind of on the street, but if you want to have security at night, what difference does it make.’

Kim adds, “Well, what if I like to sneak around town,” while Scott adds, “How about getting started? After a long day at work, you can take off your stones here and there, have someone come in there and pound on the sidewalk.’

Kim looks up at him from her phone and says, “I just need new vibes, new energy,” laughing, as Scott says, “I get it.”

“I have no idea what this script is saying,” Kim says, repeating the line from earlier about no one wanting to “f**k” with her character.

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