Kim Kardashian’s personal trainer reveals how you can transform your body with just FIVE MINUTES a day

Trainer to the stars Senada Greca has worked with a number of celebrities in her life. According to the fitness expert, getting a Hollywood figure is just five minutes a day away.

The personal trainer, who has worked with stars including Kim Kardashian and Miranda Kerr, appeared on the Jay Shetty‘s On Purpose podcastwhere she shared her tricks for developing healthy habits.

Senada, who is also the founder of the ReRise app, offered advice to people who were unsure about how to start their own fitness journey.

“I always say start small,” she advised. “One step at a time.”

“Start with 20 minutes, start with five minutes, or even one minute — and then build that habit,” Senada suggested.

Trainer to the stars Senada Greca (pictured) says being a Hollywood figure is just five minutes a day away

The personal trainer has worked with stars including Kim Kardashian (pictured together) and Miranda Kerr

The personal trainer has worked with stars including Kim Kardashian (pictured together) and Miranda Kerr

The fitness guru explained that it was all about creating a consistent habit “day after day.”

“We often think that motivation is all we need, but that’s not true,” she said.

The expert explained that learning healthy habits basically comes down to making it easier for yourself to make your own healthy decisions.

“It’s a habit we create every day,” she joked.

Senada also spoke about the importance of creating a routine, suggesting exercising at the same time every day and making it as easy as possible for yourself.

“If you’re going to the gym, lay out your workout clothes and shoes the night before. Some people even wear their workout clothes to bed because they’re skipping a step,” she advised.

“So how can you make it more accessible and easier for yourself to achieve that?” the fitness expert added. “Don’t leave it to chance for later in the day.”

Senada admits that five minutes of exercise may seem like a small amount at first, but says it builds a solid foundation and exercise habit.

She advised starting any journey by “taking the smallest step” when beginning a fitness journey, which could start with five minutes of exercise a day, and building up until it becomes a habit.

She advised starting any journey by “taking the smallest step” when beginning a fitness journey, which could start with five minutes of exercise a day, and building up until it becomes a habit.

The expert explained that building healthy habits basically comes down to making healthy decisions more accessible to yourself

Senada also talked about the importance of creating a routine, suggesting working out at the same time every day and making it as easy as possible for yourself.

The expert explained that building healthy habits basically comes down to making healthy decisions more accessible to yourself

“That’s the key to making fitness a lifelong activity, because I don’t see it as a sprint, I see it as a marathon for life,” she emphasized.

Senada told Jay in the beginning that he wouldn’t see “drastic results,” but that it was about working toward something bigger.

“Five minutes a day for a week, then ten minutes the next week for a week, and then you build it back up. It just makes it more accessible,” the celebrity trainer emphasized.

As for what you can accomplish in five minutes, the fitness fanatic recommends starting with a walk or a run on the treadmill, followed by some squats or deadlifts.

“You’re working some of the largest muscles in your body. Maybe you’re doing a few rowing exercises and then you’ve done a few moves,” she explains.

She had some suggestions for at-home workouts for those without gym equipment, such as squatting from a seated position onto the bench or using the bench for hip thrusts.

“I’m a big believer that you can turn anything in your home into something you can exercise with,” she said.

Senada spoke about training with Kim Kardashian

She described her as very dedicated to training

Senada spoke about training with Kim Kardashian and described her as very dedicated to training

In addition to exercising physically, the fitness expert says meditation improves her mental health.

“Meditation is great, I try to do that every day,” she shared, adding that she also keeps a bedtime journal and practices gratitude.

Senada spoke about working with Kim Kardashian and described her as very dedicated.

“She’s on time and ready to go. She never complains and doesn’t back down from anything,” the trainer said.

Senada added that working with celebrities helped her spread her message of strength.

“I believe in working with these people who have such a huge influence, because of the impact they will have on the broader population,” she explained.

“Through them I can send a message of strength to women, so strength is beautiful, strength is confidence – whatever that looks like,” she continued.

‘Strength doesn’t have to be associated with big muscles, but if I can convey that message of strength especially to young women, then my goal has been achieved.’