Killer yoga teacher Kaitlin Armstrong is seen in new prison mugshot looking stony-faced as she begins 90-year sentence for gunning down pro-cyclist love rival Moriah Wilson

  • Armstrong appears emotionless in a new mugshot at the Lucile Plane State Jail in Dayton, Texas
  • Her inmate profile indicates that she will not be released until the year 2112 and is not eligible for visitation
  • She was sentenced to 90 years in prison for shooting dead her 25-year-old love rival Moriah Wilson

Killer yoga teacher Kaitlin Armstrong is pictured stony-faced in a new mugshot from prison.

The 36-year-old can be seen staring straight into the camera with her infamous wavy locks behind her ears.

She was jailed for 90 years for shooting professional cyclist Moriah Wilson, 25, in a jealous rage after discovering she was seeing her boyfriend Colin Strickland, 35, while the two were apart.

In her latest photo from the Lucile Plane State Jail in Dayton, Texas, Armstrong is seen wearing a white tank top and giving the camera a steely glow.

The expected release date of the killer is March 2112.

Former yoga teacher Kaitlin Armstrong appears emotionless in a new mugshot from the Lucile Plane State Jail in Dayton, Texas, where she is serving 90 years for the fatal shooting of Moriah Wilson, 25

The 36-year-old killed Wilson in a jealous rage after finding out the rising cyclist had been seeing her boyfriend Colin Strickland while they were apart.

The expected release date of the killer is given as March 2112 on the mugshot, which states that she is not eligible for visitors

It also indicates she is not eligible for visitation and cannot apply for parole until 2052.

Former yoga teacher Armstrong stalked and murdered Wilson at a friend's home last year.

She began stalking her and Strickland as they went swimming and eating in Austin on May 11, 2022.

After Strickland dropped Wilson off at a friend's apartment and left, Armstrong entered the house and shot Wilson twice in the head, once in the heart and once in the hand — a wound that the medical examiner said meant Wilson probably had her hands up. to protect themselves from the gunfire.

Prosecutors had urged the jury to give Armstrong a minimum of 40 years. She previously rejected a plea deal from Travis County District Attorney Jose Garza.

“She could have been released from prison at 50 or 60… much sooner than if she were convicted by a jury,” a source who spoke on condition of anonymity told

Armstrong tried to escape from police custody 19 days before her trial began on October 30, while she was out of jail for a doctor's visit, but the prison guard caught her.

Authorities later revealed that she had made up a reason to go to the doctor and that she had trained by running for her failed escape.

Armstrong's former partner Colin Strickland, left, had previously admitted to having a sexual relationship with Moriah Wilson, pictured right, when he and Armstrong split for a few months in the fall of 2021. He and Armstrong later reconciled, but he maintained contact with Wilson

The jailbreak marked the second time Armstrong attempted to evade law enforcement after initially fleeing to Costa Rica with her sister's passport after questioning by police.

After a warrant was issued for her arrest following Wilson's death, US Marshals tracked her down in a remote coastal town in the Central American country and brought her back to the US.

According to court testimony, she spent nearly $7,000 on plastic surgery to change her appearance, including a nose job, a brow lift and filler and dying her hair dark while she was out.

The convicted killer faces a separate charge stemming from her failed escape from Austin prison guards, which has yet to go to trial.

Wilson was a rising star in gravel cycling before her death.

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