Kevin Spacey, 64, seen leaving exclusive private members’ club Oswald’s in Mayfair just 48 hours after ‘health scare’ saw him rushed to hospital

Hollywood actor Kevin Spacey was pictured leaving private members club Oswald’s in Mayfair just 48 hours after he was rushed to hospital due to health problems.

The Oscar winner, 64, looked relaxed as he left the West London venue last night, wearing a suit jacket and baseball cap with the tongue-in-cheek slogan ‘out of office’.

On Tuesday, it was reported that Spacey was rushed to hospital from a film festival in Uzbekistan after he felt his entire left arm ‘go numb for about eight seconds’, it has emerged.

It was feared the House of Cards star had suffered a heart attack, but after undergoing a series of tests, including an MRI, doctors cleared him.

He fell ill in the ancient city of Samarkand on Monday while touring the Afrasiyab Museum and was rushed to the Innova Diagnostic Clinic, where he was “treated professionally by doctors and staff.”

Hollywood actor Kevin Spacey was pictured leaving private club Oswald’s in Mayfair just 48 hours after being rushed to hospital due to health problems

The Oscar winner, 64, looked relaxed as he left the West London venue last night, wearing a suit jacket and baseball cap with the tongue-in-cheek slogan ‘out of office’.

Kevin Spacey (pictured at the festival) was rushed to hospital fearing a ‘heart attack’ after he became ‘numb in one arm’ at the Tashkent International Film Festival

Mr. Spacey later returned to the Tashkent International Film Festival, appearing on stage and telling the audience that his health was “normal.”

The Oscar-winning actor added that the incident “really made me think about how fragile life is.”

Mr Spacey spoke about his “unexpected” health problems during his speech at the festival’s closing ceremony on Monday. festival organizers revealed.

“I was looking at these extraordinary murals on the walls and suddenly felt my entire left arm go numb for about eight seconds,” he told the crowd.

“I shook it off, but I immediately told the people I was with and we went straight to the medical center.”

He told how he spent the afternoon undergoing a ‘variety of tests’, adding that in the end ‘everything turned out to be completely normal’.

The actor said he is “thankful” it wasn’t “something more serious,” adding that he was “pleasantly surprised” that Samarkand had “such qualified doctors.”

“Human life is very fragile and short, so everyone must live together and support each other,” he told the audience.

Mr Spacey also applauded the festival for being a place of “peace, progress and enlightenment”. The actor, who hosted a masterclass at the event the day before, emphasized the importance of creating an environment where new ideas can be fostered.

He told the audience: “The workshops that have taken place have enabled professionals to help young aspiring filmmakers learn and grow. I know how incredibly important this is because I grew up watching these types of shows when I first discovered film.

“It is extraordinary that the Central Asian region is coming together, working together and giving this opportunity to so many people. You should be proud of the work you do, and I am honored to stand here with you today and support you.”

The actor also teased a self-proclaimed “comeback” and said his “best roles were ahead of him,” The sun reported.

It was feared the House of Cards star, 64, had suffered a heart attack but after undergoing a series of tests, including an MRI, he was cleared by doctors. Mr Spacey is pictured at the Tashkent International Film Festival before he became unwell

He fell ill in the ancient city of Samarkand while touring the Afrasiyab Museum and was rushed to the Innova Diagnostic Clinic, where he was “treated professionally by doctors and staff.” Mr. Spacey is pictured at the Tashkent International Film Festival

Before his speech at the closing ceremony, Mr. Spacey held a masterclass in which he answered questions from festival attendees.

Most aspiring filmmakers and actors asked the Oscar winner for advice on how to succeed in the entertainment industry.

One participant asked, “What does a girl from Uzbekistan have to do to get noticed by major American producers?”

Mr Spacey, according to the festivalresponded: ‘I am someone who grew up in a simple family and worked my way up.

‘I really believed that I would become a professional actor and studied a lot to become one. So you have to believe in it and work hard on yourself.’

He also encouraged aspiring filmmakers to study Uzbekistan’s “rich film history” and “watch as many films as you can.”

The actor was also asked about his own journey to success, which he said “faced a lot of difficulties as a child.”

“But I learned from my mistakes and took film classes and theater,” he said during the masterclass. ‘After playing different roles in films, I knew the joy of being an actor and was inspired to play different characters.

‘It has helped me enormously to overcome various problems in life.’

Spacey’s appearance at the festival comes just months after he was acquitted of a series of sexual assault charges.

Three men had accused the actor of aggressively grabbing their crotches, describing him as “despicable” and a “slippery, cunning” predator.

A fourth, an aspiring actor, said he woke up to the actor performing oral sex on him after falling asleep or passing out at Spacey’s London apartment, where he had gone for career advice and a beer.

Kevin Spacey’s appearance at the festival comes just months after he was acquitted of a series of sexual assault charges. He is pictured leaving Southwark Crown Court in London on July 26 this year after being found not guilty of sex crimes charges

Actor Kevin Spacey leaves Southwark Crown Court in London, Wednesday, July 26, 2023. A jury has acquitted Kevin Spacey of nine sexual offences. The Hollywood star, 64, stood trial at Southwark Crown Court accused of sexually assaulting four men between 2001 and 2013

Spacey said he was a “big flirt” who had consensual affairs with men and whose only misstep was touching a man’s groin while making a “clumsy pass.”

The allegations date from 2001 to 2013 and include a period when Spacey – after winning Academy Awards for The Usual Suspects and American Beauty – had returned to the theater. For most of that time he was artistic director of the Old Vic Theater in London.

The men came forward after an American actor accused the actor of sexual misconduct as the #MeToo movement flared in 2017.

Spacey faced nine charges, including multiple counts of sexual assault and one count of soliciting someone to engage in penetrative sexual activity without consent.

Jurors in London deliberated for 12.5 hours over three days in July this year before reaching their verdict to acquit him.