KENNEDY: Sound the alarm, Joe! America’s craven Left-wing media have FINALLY realized Biden’s only fit to serve at the nursing home’s ice cream buffet… and Kamala’s as popular as headlice in a hat shop. But what took them so damn long?

Joe Biden has lost it.

No, not his brain. That was curdled into cream decades ago.

Finally, his most fervent and frothing cheerleaders – from the New York Times to the somber Daily Show – flee the wreckage and provisional to alarm.

Why did it take so long? Why are the Liberals finally waking up to wet beds and admitting that their collapsing candidate may have drifted from his moorings?

You have to give them credit, they stuck around and held on as long as they could – coming up with every excuse and trick that suited them. That Young Joe was raring to go, claims of senility were a MAGA witch hunt, and didn’t you see how amazing Kamala is?

But now that the sun is rising on the latest poll (by Quinnipiac), which says that 64 percent of Americans consider Biden mentally unfit, they are past the point of no return and are stuck with a candidate they unwilling or unable to replace.

Joe Biden has lost it. No, not his brain. That was curdled into cream decades ago. Finally, his most ardent and frothing cheerleaders flee the wreckage and cautiously sound the alarm.

Meanwhile, Biden’s list of lost lovers grows longer by the day and his approval rating shrinks like cashmere in a hot dryer.

Jon Stewart has returned to revive The Daily Show – a sad shadow of its former self after Stewart spent a few years trying to get rich at Apple TV, and the annoying Trevor Noah made the franchise irrelevant.

And despite Stewart’s virile hatred of The Donald, he saved some grenades for biddy Biden in the opening salvo – titled ‘Electile Dysfunction’ – of his comeback performance.

“Fire everyone!” Stewart shot. “These two candidates are both challenged in the same way and are pushing the limits of their ability to take on the toughest job in the world.”

Specifically about Biden: “When the barbarians are at the gate, you want Conan (the barbarian) standing on the ramparts, not the guy with chocolate chip cookies!”

Are you listening, Mad Rachel Madow and fellow White House groupies at MSNBC?

It’s even Treason Season at the New York Times, where the Gray Lady is no longer in love with the White Fossil.

A series of sheepishly critical think pieces – with silky headlines like “The Challenges of an Aging President” and even one from establishment poster girl Maureen Dowd – were doubled by fake publisher AG Sulzberger.

Like Stewart, Sulzberger couldn’t resist hitting Don where it hurts. But at least he wakes up when Biden takes a nap.

“We will continue to report fully and fairly, not only on Donald Trump but also on President Joe Biden. He is historically unpopular and the oldest man to ever hold this office,” Sulzberger said earlier this week.

‘We have reported extensively on both realities’ – have you?! – “and the White House is extremely upset about it.”

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Oh no, not the White House! Unchallenged for so long by media like the toothless Times that they let their own compromised commander bite them in the ass. Wink, wink (woof, woof).

“(Biden) must do better,” the NYT editorial board declared in response to Special Counsel Robert Hur’s demeaning report, which labeled Joe an “older man with a bad memory.”

“He must do more to show the public that he is fully capable of holding office until he is 86.”

If the NYT were completely honest, they would give up the old goat and admit that the only “more” Biden is capable of is asking for a second helping at the nursing home ice cream buffet.

But the truth is, the Gray Lady is in quite a sticky situation, having spilled so much ink in support of a president she no longer wants.

So Fence-sitter in Chief, Ezra Klein, rolls out to tap-dance the gossamer line of semantic contradictions, explaining to us lesser humans that as good as Biden is at the presidency, he just doesn’t have the tank full of Insurance to show for run. president. Right?

And don’t worry, Ezra is here to save the day, offering a microwave meal for our hungry needs. You guessed it: step one forward… Kamala Harris.

Despite admitting that she’s about as popular as head lice in a hat shop, that people literally hate her like food poisoning on a crowded bus — or as he put it, “she hasn’t done a good job as vice president” — Ezra knows just better.

The cackling Kamala is “underrated,” he tells us, she is “capable” and, privately, my god, she is simply ameeeeezzing (“hugely magnetic and compelling”).

Her only problem? Convincing the entire evil American public that they are dead wrong.

Don't worry, Ezra Klein is here to save the day, offering a microwave-ready feast for our hungry needs.  You guessed it: step one forward… Kamala Harris.

Don’t worry, Ezra Klein is here to save the day and offers a microwave meal for our hungry needs. You guessed it: step one forward… Kamala Harris.

As Ezra teaches us, this is actually our fault. What chance did Kamala have in this racist, sexist hell of a nation: “A world afraid of women getting angry, of black people getting angry.”

Oh, get that other Ezzy!

Even the bluest flag wavers I saw at the Daytona 500 this week bought shirts that read, “SLEEPY JOE AND THE HOW GOT TO GO.” A bit rude, sure, but so are the harsh realities America faces.

Kamala and court jester Ezra may be planning a coronation behind closed doors (“from the river to the sea, dump Joe and choose me!), but that hardly matters.

There’s talk of parachuting into a congressional savior this summer, but we all know the top ham isn’t cool enough: Gavin Newsom is a hack and Michelle O just doesn’t want the job.

So the treacherous David Axelrod, Hilaria Clinton and even the evil Bill Maher can shed their tears. But it’s all too little, too late and too damn bad.