Katy Gallagher breaks silence on claim she misled parliament over Brittany Higgins’ allegations

Katy Gallagher breaks her silence over allegations she misled parliament over insider knowledge of Brittany Higgins’ rape claim

  • Minister said it was ‘not true that she misled parliament’
  • Said she has been “clear” and “honest” at all times

Chancellor of the Exchequer Katy Gallagher has broken her silence by “categorically denying” that she misled Parliament over Brittany Higgins’ rape allegation.

Ms Gallagher addressed reporters outside an event in Perth on Saturday afternoon to say she had been ‘clear’ and ‘honest’ at all times.

Senator Gallagher was previously questioned in Senate Estimates in June 2021 about the extent of her knowledge of the allegation before the story broke.

Responding to a claim tipped off by a Labor senator to then-Secretary of Defense Linda Reynolds, she said: ‘Nobody had any knowledge’.

Katy Gallagher has denied at a press conference that she misled parliament. Photo: Sandhya Ram

But this week, leaked texts have been obtained by The Australiansuggest that Ms Higgins’ boyfriend, David Sharaz, was in contact with Ms Gallagher before the rape allegations were made public.

Ms Gallagher took aim at the lyrics, saying she was made aware of ‘some allegations’ in the days leading up to the explosive interview with Ms Higgins in February 2021.

Ms Gallagher took aim at the lyrics, saying she was made aware of ‘some allegations’ in the days leading up to the explosive February 2021 interview with Ms Higgins

“I’ve been clear, I’ve been honest and I’ve been guided at all times by the courage and bravery of a young woman who chose to speak out about her workplace and from there we’ve had tremendous changes in that workplace . ‘ she said.

“(I was told) There would be a public report that a young woman who made serious allegations about events that took place in a minister’s office … would go public.”

More to come.

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