Kathy Griffin puts Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis on blast for Danny Masterson letters as she recalls attempting to turn in her alleged pedophile brother: ‘Blood was not thicker than water in my case’

Kathy Griffin remembers trying to report her own brother for allegedly abusing two children, while calling out Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis for writing letters in support of convicted rapist Danny Masterson.

In a lengthy video, Griffin, 62, claimed that her now-deceased brother, Ken Griffin, was a pedophile who abused two children. She alerted the authorities to his alleged crimes, but ultimately nothing came of it.

However, her actions caused a huge rift. She was shunned by her family for years and received letters from several relatives telling her that she was no longer a ‘Griffin’.

When he learned that Kutcher, his wife and others had written letters in support of their friend, Griffin was forced to tell her own story. For Griffin, the fact that the alleged criminal was her own brother didn’t stop her from speaking out.

“Blood was no thicker than water in my case,” she told followers.

‘Blood was not thicker than water in my case’: Kathy Griffin recalls trying to report her own brother for allegedly abusing two children, while calling out Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis for writing letters in support of the convicted rapist Danny Masterson

She started her story about her family, sharing, “Okay, so I’m going to talk about something and this video is long, and I apologize, but my brother who is now dead, his name was Ken Griffin, was a pedophile. ‘

‘I wrote about it in my first book and it was a terrible, terrible thing, and I tried to get him caught. This was my brother. So I don’t want to hear about Ashton, Mila and Giovanni Ribisi and people who feel like they had to stand up for Danny Masterson because he was their brother and their buddy.

‘This was my own brother and two of his girlfriends confessed it to me. He also physically abused them, very violently and I called the LAPD about it twice because my brother was the super of a building and that gave him access to his victims because he was the manager of an apartment building in Hollywood so he had keys to all units.

Kathy added that her brother had never been convicted of the alleged crimes involving the two children.

‘And he allegedly – because he never went to prison for it, he went to prison for something else – he abused a boy and a girl. Because most pedophiles don’t care about gender.

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This is something that has caused a huge rift within my family. I have only one surviving brother right now, who is an innocent person in this, my brother John is a good guy.

She called the Los Angeles Police Department about Ken, but ultimately it was all beyond her control.

“But for years I was ostracized from my own family because I tried to get my brother Ken arrested and when I called the LAPD they basically said, ‘All we can do is go and even knock on the door, like it was to one of the victims asks. about this if your brother personally walks into the station and confesses, or if one of the children confesses and goes to the authorities.”

“And both times I said, ‘You think a 10-year-old is going to walk into the Bronson police station or whatever and ask for help.’

When he learned that Kutcher, his wife and others had written letters in support of their friend, Griffin was forced to tell her own story. For Griffin, the fact that the alleged criminal was her own brother didn’t stop her from speaking out

“That’s not how this crime works. And so nothing happened. And I was in and out of my family and sometimes they would write me letters saying I’m not a Gryffin anymore, and all that nonsense… It was a terrible thing. In a way he was the center of the family because it was so serious.

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‘So it’s always haunted me that I could never do anything about it and I think about those children every day and I think about other victims he probably had and the difficulty of getting a conviction in SA (sexual assault) cases – the bar is so high, that I tend to absolutely believe the victims when there is even a lawsuit, because it is so hard to get to a lawsuit, and I could never do anything about my brother, and I felt so helpless.’

“The thing is, in my case, blood was not thicker than water, and when you know someone is committing SA, you have to do something, if you can, my god, at least try.

“So anyway, I have my opinions on this, and that’s why I feel like this whole thing, it stirs up a lot of emotions for me and it should for all of us too. So believe the victims, you know that when people even go to the police, they don’t do it lightly. They don’t do it lightly. I mean, that’s just my observation.”

Kutcher and Kunis faced backlash after the world learned they had vouched for Masterson in character letters sent to the judge in his rape case

Kutcher and Kunis faced backlash after the world learned they had vouched for Masterson in character letters sent to the judge in his rape case.

Masterson was sentenced to 30 years to life in prison earlier this week after a jury found him guilty of raping two women in the early 2000s.

An apology video they made after the letters were made public was also posted online.

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“We are aware of the pain caused by the character letters we wrote on behalf of Danny Masterson,” Ashton, 45, began in a short video shared on Instagram.

“We support victims,” Mila (40) added. “We have done this historically through our work and will continue to do so in the future.” Comments on the post have been disabled.

Ashton informed viewers in the clip: ‘A few months ago Danny’s family contacted us and asked us to write character letters to represent the person we had known for 25 years so that the judge could take full account of that regarding to the matter. condemnation.’

Mila continued, “The letters were not written to question the legitimacy of the legal system or the validity of the jury’s verdict.”

‘They were intended to be read by the judge. And not to undermine the victims’ testimonies or retraumatize them in any way.

‘We would never want to do that. And we are sorry if that occurred,” Ashton emphasized.

An apology video they made after the letters were made public was also posted online

“Our hearts go out to anyone who has ever been a victim of sexual assault, sexual abuse or rape,” Mila said in closing their statement.

Since the actors’ letters were released, fans have reacted with outrage online.

The couple supported their former That 70s Show castmate by submitting individual submissions to the court, despite him having already been convicted of raping two women.

In the letters obtained by DailyMail.com, both Kunis and Kutcher — who is credited as co-founder and board chairman of a nonprofit that claims to help combat child sex exploitation — spoke highly of Masterson, claiming that he “always treated people with decency, equality and generosity.’

In his letter to the judge, Kutcher wrote, in part: ‘He is an extremely honest and intentional human being.

‘I’ve been in a relationship for over 25 years and I don’t remember him lying to me. He taught me to be direct and to tackle problems in life and relationships head on, solve them and move forward.”

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