Kate’s brave public return exposed a very private vulnerability. But, says MAUREEN CALLAHAN, it also proved why she couldn’t be more different from Meghan

For true royal decorum, look no further than the reemergence of Catherine, Princess of Wales.

After months of quietly undergoing chemotherapy and after famously declaring her withdrawal from her public duties, the princess announced last Friday that she was feeling well enough to attend the Trooping the Color ceremonies the next day.

Rather than surrendering – as a certain Duchess tends to do – to victimhood, self-pity, over-sharing and navel-gazing, the Princess expressed gratitude, humility and a desire to celebrate with her family and the King, while dealing with his own struggles. against cancer.

Alongside a new photo of Kate standing alone in lush forest greenery, looking up at the sun in a spirit of health, renewal and optimism, a statement read:

‘I have been overwhelmed by all the kind messages of support and encouragement over the past few months… as anyone undergoing chemotherapy knows, there are good days and bad days. On those bad days you feel weak, tired and you have to give in to the rest of your body… I learn to be patient, especially with uncertainty’.

After months of quietly undergoing chemotherapy and after famously declaring her withdrawal from her public duties, the princess announced last Friday that she was feeling well enough to attend the Trooping the Color ceremonies the next day.

Rather than surrendering – as a certain Duchess tends to do – to victimhood, self-pity, over-sharing and navel-gazing, the Princess expressed gratitude, humility and a desire to celebrate with her family and the King, while dealing with his own struggles. against cancer.

Kate further wrote, “I’m not out of the woods yet.”

This is a remarkable admission for a woman who is clearly a perfectionist, who rarely puts a step wrong, whose public presentation is always flawless, whose three young children are astonishingly well-behaved.

Kate Middleton has shared her fears and vulnerabilities, and perhaps even a tendency toward them, for the first time impatience. How human. How fair.

She didn’t start with her own sadness, but with a thank you, before commiserating with her fellow travelers.

It was a shocking but very welcome announcement.

With Kate’s sudden return making headlines around the world, supporters of Montecito’s marauding Duchess naturally couldn’t let her ailing sister-in-law stay in the spotlight.

Yes: Meghan Markle, more stubborn than kudzu, resurfaced — or rather, a surrogate did.

While there’s no way to know if Meghan was aware of this latest stunt, it certainly felt woefully predictable.

Hours before Kate’s appearance at the parade on Saturday, Harry’s great friend Nacho Figueras posted a jar of American Riviera Orchard jam – a new flavor, limited edition (“2 of 2” was written in the jar) – with that simple muslin wrapper and soft , hand tied bow.

Hey, at least this label didn’t let go!

Figueras also posted a jar of dog treats, which appeared to be labeled with Meghan’s flashy calligraphy.

And it’s all led to quite a well-deserved backlash – not just because of the timing, but because of the content itself.

While Kate’s sudden return made headlines around the world, supporters of Montecito’s marauding Duchess seemingly couldn’t let her ailing sister-in-law stay in the spotlight.

Hours before Kate’s appearance at the parade on Saturday, Harry’s great friend Nacho Figueras (above, center) posted a jar of American Riviera Orchard jam – a new flavor, limited edition (“2 of 2” was written in the jar) – with that standard muslin shawl. and a measly hand-tied bow.

Hey, at least this label didn’t let go! Figueras also posted a jar of dog treats, which appeared to be labeled with Meghan’s flashy calligraphy.

After all, Meghan is the same woman who recorded Harry’s marriage proposal on her iPhone and used that footage in their Netflix docu-series.

The same woman who calls herself a feminist and yet reminded the world during that incendiary Oprah meeting that Kate’s former nickname was “Waity Katie.”

Who, again on Netflix, grinned as she mockingly reenacted her introduction to the late queen with a deep bow.

Nothing Meghan does ever feels coincidental. It would hardly be the biggest surprise if she had any influence on the timing of this new promo for the still merchless ‘ARO’.

And if so, how did Meghan, who became the Duchess of Hertz at last year’s Women of Vision Awards, lecture the crowd on the importance of “daily acts of service, in kindness, in advocacy, in grace and honesty ‘, and not Can you tell this would be an epic face plant?

Catherine, Princess of Wales, courageously fulfills a public role in the midst of chemotherapy versus chemotherapy. sweets and dog treats on Instagram.

It’s enough to make you wonder: has Meghan lost her touch?

Remember everyone: be kind!

Also remember: When Kate was recovering from surgery in January, followed by the clatter around the Photoshop gate in March, Meghan decided to launch ‘ARO’, posting an old-fashioned video of herself in the kitchen and then from afar in a voluminous black ball gown — for daytime! – all set for, perversely, Nancy Wilson’s classic ‘I Wish You Love’.

Days later, when Kate announced to the world that she had cancer, Harry and Meghan – so estranged that they heard the news along with the rest of us – wasted no time in issuing a press release.

“We wish Kate and the family health and healing,” their statement read, “and hope they can do this privately and in peace.”

HA! Meghan and the word “peace” seem to have major conflicts, don’t they?

Alongside a new photo of Kate (above) standing alone in lush forest greenery, looking up at the sun in a spirit of health, renewal and optimism, a statement reads: ‘I have been overwhelmed by all the kind messages of support and encouragement over the past few months …’

It strikes me that if they wanted to give their full support, they would eventually put aside their grievances, drop the pernicious act of victimhood, and apologize for insinuating to Oprah that the royals were racist.

Apologies also for the fact that Harry reprinted private texts between Meghan and Kate in his memoirs, or for the big mistake by mouthpiece Omid Scobie who calls Kate and Charles – now the most sympathetic and admired royals – as so-called ‘racists’. that still hasn’t been denied by the Gruesome Twosome.

On the other hand, Meghan is the woman who, in the midst of impoverished African children, complained about her mental well-being and lamented that “not many people have asked if I’m okay.”

Kate, meanwhile, spent hours on Saturday on her feet, in heels and a form-fitting white dress, standing up for her ailing father-in-law and for her country, no doubt at great personal cost. It is understandable that the princess will probably be left exhausted and tired, but she does not ask for our pity.

Compare Kate’s most recent statement to Meghan’s signature logorrhea, her vintage LA word salad of self-affirmation and narcissism, which means nothing.

Here she was in Nigeria last month, cosplaying as if it were official royal business, explaining how her Nigerian heritage only made her that much more awesome.

“What was repeated so often in the last day is, “Oh, we’re not that surprised when we found out you’re Nigerian.” It is a compliment to you because what they define as a Nigerian woman is courageous, resilient, courageous and beautiful,” she said.

And Meghan wonders why she keeps failing with each successive attempt to emulate Kate.

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