Kate Langbroek mocks Gladiators star during awkward live interview on The Project – after the rebooted show was roasted for ‘cheap’ detail

A contestant on Channel Ten’s Gladiators reboot has been left red-faced after an awkward interview with The Project on Wednesday.

Sandor Earl, who appears on the show as ‘Phoenix’, was on the show to discuss his fierce competitive spirit after leaving another contestant in a wheelchair.

“Phoenix has clearly asserted its dominance,” the former NRL player boasted.

Guest panelist Kate Langbroek further asked whether he had been asked to ‘stand back a little’ during filming.

‘No, that’s not in Phoenix’s nature. You have to be competitive, but always strive to win,” Sandor grinned.

Kate Langbroek (pictured) brutally mocked Gladiators star Sandor ‘Phoenix’ Earl during an awkward live interview on The Project on Wednesday

Langbroek couldn’t resist making fun of the athlete and replied: ‘I also noticed that Phoenix has to talk about himself in the third person? Is that a superpower?’

Blushing, Sandor awkwardly admitted, “That’s what I started with.”

It comes after viewers poked fun at Ten’s reboot of classic ’90s reality show Gladiators for apparently cutting back on the budget.

Langbroek couldn’t resist making fun of the ex-NRL player (photo) after he referred to himself in the third person during the interview

Viewers who tuned in had a lot to say about the series, with many sharing funny opinions about X, formerly known as Tweet.

“Looks like they spent all their money on insurance and have no money left on production,” one person wrote.

‘A true creativity from the makers of #GladiatorsAU. It’s exactly the same but worse,” another complained.

“I can’t believe #NinjaWarriorAU has been canceled and instead in 2024 we get bodybuilders hitting wannabe gym junkies over the head with oversized cotton swabs for 30 seconds,” someone else wrote.

It comes after viewers poked fun at Ten’s reboot of classic ’90s reality show Gladiators for apparently cutting back on the budget

‘Curious. For those of us watching Gladiators, are we all cringing yet or is it just me? The participants don’t even look like they’re trying. Gladiators look like they’re trying even LESS. And the hosts are trying TOO MUCH!” said another viewer.

“It feels like they’ve gone a little too far into the cringe that it’s actually cringe. Should have just left it in serious camp,” another person wrote.

One of the main complaints was that the show does not use a live studio audience, instead relying on cheering and clapping sound effects.

‘There are no people in the crowd. Where did that cheer come from? Hahaha,” one person wrote.

One of the main complaints was that the show does not use a live studio audience, instead relying on cheering and clapping sound effects. Others joked about the frequent injuries on the show, comparing the show to a parody version that aired on the Sketch comedy show Full Frontal

“I wish they wouldn’t try to pretend there’s an audience, but considering how cheap the budget for this would have been, this is a great revival so far,” someone else agreed.

“Did they add fake audience noises to it?!” someone else asked.

Others joked about the frequent injuries on the show, comparing the show to a parody version that aired on the Sketch comedy show Full Frontal, where contestants were horribly maimed by the competition while being jovially interviewed by the hosts.

However, there were some fans, with one person saying: ‘So good to see #Gladiators back on TV. I’m extra happy that they are real participants, instead of throwing in celebrities.’

The extreme sports competition, hosted by Beau Ryan and Liz Ellis, is a revival of the classic ’90s cult reality series, which sees contestants compete in a stylized arena.

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