Karine Jean-Pierre insists that Biden will NOT come for gas stoves


‘President does not support gas stove ban’: Karine Jean-Pierre insists Biden will NOT come for oven tops after reports a federal agency was considering the move over asthma fears

  • White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre insisted Wednesday that President Joe Biden would not come after the gas stoves of Americans.
  • “The president does not support a ban on gas stoves and the independent Consumer Product Safety Commission is not banning stoves,” he said.
  • Comments made to Bloomberg on Monday by a CPSC commissioner set off a firestorm on the right, with several Republican lawmakers weighing in.







White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre insisted Wednesday that President Joe Biden would not come after the gas stoves of Americans.

“The president does not support a ban on gas stoves and the independent Consumer Product Safety Commission does not ban them as stoves,” Jean-Pierre said.

Monday, Bloomberg reported that such a ban was on the table, citing Biden-appointed Consumer Product Safety Commissioner Richard Trumka Jr. who called the appliance a “hidden danger,” with new research linking gas stoves to asthma childish.

Any option is on the table. Products that cannot be made safe can be banned,” Trumka said.

That ad sparked a frenzy on the right, with several Republicans pointing to a 2020 tweet showing Dr. Jill Biden cooking vegetables with gas.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre insisted Wednesday that President Joe Biden would not come after the gas stoves of Americans.

“Rules for you, but not for me,” Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz tweeted, sharing the photo of the first lady.

Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson, a former White House physician, said he would rather die than cook with electricity.

‘I will NEVER give up my gas stove. If the maniacs in the White House come for my stove, they can snatch it from my cold, dead hands. COME AND TAKE IT!!’ Jackson said.

When Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pointed out that “continued NO2 exposure from gas stoves is associated with reduced cognitive performance,” Jackson criticized her, sharing a photo of the New York congresswoman’s gas stove.

‘AOC says gas stoves cause ‘reduced cognitive performance’, but does she use a gas stove? Is this a self-diagnosis? Jackson tweeted. ‘AOC, as a doctor, I can tell you this: what happens to your head IS NOT caused by stoves. Something MUCH BIGGER is causing your cognitive function to decline!’

Several Republicans shared this 2020 tweet from First Lady Jill Biden that showed her cooking vegetables on a gas stove.

Former White House physician and Texas Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson has said he would prefer death to cooking with electricity.

When Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pointed out that “continued NO2 exposure from gas stoves is associated with reduced cognitive performance,” Jackson criticized her, sharing a photo of the New York congresswoman’s gas stove.

Jackson even went as far as setting up a URL: SaveTheStoves.com – which links to a WinRed donations page, which asks visitors to sign a petition, but also signs them up to receive text messages and calls from Jackson’s congressional campaign.

We can’t let the maniacs in the White House get away with it! Add your name now to the official petition to SAVE OUR STOVES!’ says the website.

Before Wednesday’s White House briefing, the Consumer Product Safety Commission was already trying to retract Trumka’s comments.

‘To be clear, the CPSC is not coming for anyone’s gas stoves. Regulations apply to new products,’ Trumka tweeted Monday afternoon.

Alex Hoehn-Saric, the commission’s chairman, reiterated that point Wednesday morning, saying in a statement that the independent agency was “does not seek to ban gas stoves and the CPSC has no procedure for doing so.”

‘CPSC is investigating gas emissions from stoves and exploring new ways to address health risks. CPSC is also actively involved in strengthening voluntary safety standards for gas ranges. And later this spring, we will ask the public to provide us with information about emissions from gas stoves and possible solutions to reduce the associated risks,” he said.

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