Kaitlin Armstrong whined at police for ‘humiliating’ her by arresting her in front of her neighbors over the murder of her boyfriend’s ex, the yoga teacher’s trial heard.
‘I’d like to leave. You were just arrested in front of my house, in front of my neighbors. It was incredibly humiliating,” Armstrong complained in May 2022, footage played Thursday at an Austin courthouse.
Armstrong, who is accused of fatally shooting Moriah Wilson 18 months ago, was not a suspect at the time of the clip. She had been arrested after her black Jeep Grand Cherokee was spotted near the scene of Wilson’s murder.
Wilson was shot three times, with prosecutors accusing Armstrong of killing her because he had contacted Armstrong’s then-boyfriend Colin Strickland, who was Wilson’s ex.
Kaitlin Armstrong enters the courtroom during the first day of her trial at the Blackwell-Thurman Criminal Justice Center, Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Detective Katy Connor, who interviewed Armstrong in May 2022, also explained how the alleged murderer had asked for the police interrogation to end shortly afterwards.
She was allowed to leave, but was warned by police that her unwillingness to cooperate could cause future problems.
During Thursday’s trial, Imir Perez of the US Marshals also told how he tracked Armstrong down to Costa Rica after she went on the run.
He found her with a bandage around her nose, and during the investigation a receipt from a local plastic surgery clinic for more than $6,000 was also discovered.
Armstrong has denied the allegations but has yet to provide an alibi. Her Jeep was filmed by neighborhood ring cameras arriving and leaving the scene at the time of the murder.
Armstrong’s former partner Colin Strickland, left, had previously admitted he had indeed had an affair with Moriah Wilson, seen here right
Detective Connor also told the court that questioning Armstrong about the murder raised her suspicions about her involvement.
Connor told the court: ‘When I confront her about the vehicle being in the area she does not deny it.
‘She doesn’t explain why her car is there. She admits it doesn’t look good. All this together aroused my suspicions.’
In the interview, Armstrong was informed she was able to leave, but stayed and told officers that Strickland and Wilson had dated, which upset her.
After deciding to finally leave, Connor tried to convince her to stay, saying, “Just seeing that your vehicle was there (over there), that doesn’t sound very good.” If you leave, we’ll only have one side of the story.”
Connor later told the trial that officers managed to obtain GPS information from Armstrong’s car, which placed her in the area.
It was also revealed that Armstrong told officers she did not know Strickland had dated Wilson.
The court was also shown today receipts totaling $6,350 for cosmetic surgery in Costa Rica by doctor Jorge Badilla.
Authorities had previously said she had gotten a nose job and dyed her hair after fleeing the country following Wilson’s death.
Armstrong’s 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee was spotted driving outside Wilson’s friend’s home in Austin, where the cyclist was killed
Authorities said she had a nose job and dyed her hair brown after fleeing the US. She used her sister’s passport to leave the country and used several aliases during the flight
In court on Wednesday we told how Armstrong had looked into plastic surgery after Wilson was found dead.
Detective Richard Spitler also testified that Armstrong had investigated whether pineapple could be used to remove fingerprints.
The detective also told the court that Armstrong sold her black Jeep Grand Cherokee less than 48 hours after Wilson was killed.
The black SUV was spotted driving through the area leading up to Wilson’s discovery.
Less than 48 hours after the killing, Kaitlin Armstrong sold her black Jeep Grand Cherokee at Carmax in Austin, police testified.
She created a brand new email account and received an offer of $12,200 for the vehicle from Carmax.
Three days after the murder, Armstrong took an Uber to the Austin airport, where she caught a Southwest Airlines from Austin to New York’s LaGuardia Airport.
Austin police detective Richard Spitler will appear Wednesday during the Texas trial of Kaitlin Armstrong
Earlier this week, Nicole Mertz, a close friend of Armstrong’s, testified in court that she said she would “kill” another woman if her boyfriend went out with them.
Mertz told the court that Armstrong had recently broken up with her boyfriend Colin Strickland and that Moriah Wilson was in town to visit him in November 2021.
The two had agreed to meet at a café, and Wilson also showed up, which, according to Mertz, made Armstrong “quite angry, almost visibly angry.”
Mertz then asked her what she would do if Strickland ever dated someone, to which the suspect replied, “I would kill her.”
Mertz later called police and told them what she knew and tried to contact Armstrong, who had gone radio silent.
She said, “I just had a feeling. I remember that comment she made and I knew she wasn’t happy about Colin and Moriah hanging out. I just had a feeling and thought it was the right thing to do.”
Nicole Mertz, pictured here, testified at Armstrong’s trial earlier this afternoon, saying the two had met at a cafe in Austin when Armstrong made the comment
Last week, Strickland told the court he was afraid of entering into a long-term relationship with Armstrong.
Armstrong, he said, routinely blocked other women’s phone numbers in his phone behind his back. Wilson was one of them, he said.
On the day of the murder, while swimming with Wilson, Strickland told Armstrong that he had gone to drop off flowers at a friend’s house.
Last week, jurors were shown Ring surveillance camera footage from a neighbor in which Wilson could be heard screaming. Three gunshots were heard.
Prosecutors say Armstrong, using a gun Strickland bought for her, shot Wilson twice in the head and once in the heart.
She is then believed to have fled the apartment on Wilson’s bicycle, which was dumped in the bushes behind her apartment.
Armstrong fled Texas after an initial police interrogation. She then flew to Costa Rica, where she said she only taught yoga.
She was eventually arrested in July and returned to Austin. A few weeks before her trial began, she tried to flee again during a visit to a doctor’s office.