Jon Stewart trashes Biden’s ‘senior moments’ during debate against Trump while slamming CNN for debate format: ‘Resting 25th amendment face’

Jon Stewart seemed shocked as he watched Thursday’s debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. He thought both candidates should use performance-enhancing drugs.

Stewart, often held up as one of liberal America’s most trusted satirists, hosted a live episode of The Daily Show after the first debate.

He criticized both Trump – who said “everything he just said was a lie” – and CNN – who called their debate rules “stupid” – and the entire pre-match hype machine.

However, Stewart was unable to defend Biden’s faltering and painful performance, with the 46th president often appearing weak and hoarse.

Stewart even said Biden had a “resting 25th Amendment” face, referring to the part of the Constitution that deals with presidential succession and limitations.

Jon Stewart appeared shocked after watching Thursday’s debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, arguing that both candidates should use performance-enhancing drugs

The comedian began by ridiculing the format of the debate and CNN’s endless promotion of the entire show.

He then complained about the norms for the debate, which he reduced to Trump having to “appear normal” and Biden having to “stay upright” and not have a “senior moment.”

When Stewart saw footage of both men coming on stage, he immediately seemed upset and said he had to “call a real estate agent in New Zealand.”

Stewart then showed clips from Biden’s early debate battles, in which Biden seemed to confuse saving Medicare with defeating it.

“I’m sure it’s not something that was repeated during the debate and made the Democrats jump out of windows or silently surrender,” he joked.

He took another swipe at Biden, sarcastically saying, “Anyone can go wrong by talking.”

The show then played a series of clips of Biden’s faces in response to Trump, which only drove Stewart further.

“Not great! But uh… a lot of people have a resting 25th Amendment face,” he joked.

During Biden's screening, Stewart noted that he had a

Stewart indicated that Biden had a “resting 25th Amendment face,” referring to the part of the Constitution that deals with presidential succession and limitations.

Stewart criticized Trump, saying

Stewart criticized Trump, saying ‘everything he just said was a lie’

“I’m no political expert, but when Biden was preparing for a week at Camp David, did someone say Biden would also appear on camera?”

He then criticized Biden for not properly attacking Trump on abortion. The president gave a confusing response that prompted Trump to attack him on immigration, making it seem like Trump was on the verge of retaking the White House.

‘So how do we do this now? Should I take my car back to the White House tonight?’

Stewart then played several clips of Trump during the debate, as he directed his anger at the Republican nominee.

“It looks like he failed the a*****e test,” he said, adding that “everything Donald Trump said in that clip is a lie.”

The comedian, 61, then turned to CNN’s unusual rules for the debate, which he said included no audience, strict time limits and a refusal to stick to interesting issues.

“Who made up these stupid rules and why would these people agree to them?”

Stewart then turned back to Biden, who he said proved the MAGA conspiracy about using drugs to energize him “was bullshit” by appearing so sleepy on stage.

Stewart said Biden proved the MAGA conspiracy about drug use to give him energy was 'nonsense' by appearing so sleepy on stage

Stewart said Biden proved the MAGA conspiracy about drug use to give him energy was ‘nonsense’ by appearing so sleepy on stage

President Joe Biden, second from right, and first lady Jill Biden, right, greet CNN event moderators Dana Bash, left, and Jake Tapper. Stewart trashed CNN's rules for the debate

President Joe Biden, second from right, and first lady Jill Biden, right, greet CNN event moderators Dana Bash, from left, and Jake Tapper. Stewart rejected CNN’s rules for the debate

He summed it up by comparing how both Biden and Trump got off the ground and said both should be working on something.

“Let me just say, after watching tonight’s debate, both of these men should be taking performance-enhancing drugs. I’m sorry, both of them. As much as they can get, as many times a day as their bodies will allow,” he said to a long round of applause.

“If performance-enhancing drugs enhance their clarity and problem-solving skills, and in one of the candidates’ cases, even their honesty, morality and malignant narcissism, then we can throw the suppository away,” he added.

He said if they couldn’t find performance-enhancing drugs for the candidates, “I could use some recreationally right now.”

‘This can’t be real life. That’s just not possible,” he concluded.

Stewart has indicated that neither man should run for president since returning as a weekly host to The Daily Show in January.

The Democratic Party has been thrown into a complete panic about the 2024 general election after a disastrous debate performance from a meandering, mumbling Biden.

Behind the scenes there are calls to replace the 81-year-old president after he delivered a disappointing performance against Trump on Thursday evening. He lost his way and stumbled over his words several times.

President Joe Biden participates in the presidential debate on CNN

President Joe Biden participates in the presidential debate on CNN

US President Joe Biden and former US President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump participate in the first presidential debate of the 2024 election

US President Joe Biden and former US President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump participate in the first presidential debate of the 2024 election

Immediately after taking the stage, Biden’s voice was hoarse and he cleared his throat repeatedly, and he continued to decline throughout the 90-minute primetime face-off on CNN.

At times, the president looked blankly into the camera or at his notes as Trump spoke.

Biden also sometimes struggled to finish his sentences or wrap up a topic of conversation before trying to continue.

CNN moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash repeatedly reminded him to use the rest of his time as he cut his answers and responses to Trump short.